- 001-汽車技術行業(yè)語料
- 002-機械加工行業(yè)語料
- 003-金融財經行業(yè)語料
- 004-通訊技術行業(yè)語料
- 005-化工技術行業(yè)語料
- 006-石油鉆井行業(yè)語料
- 007-建筑工程行業(yè)語料
- 008-生物工程行業(yè)語料
- 009-環(huán)境工程行業(yè)語料
- 010-航空航天行業(yè)語料
- 011-醫(yī)療器械行業(yè)語料
- 012-煤炭能源行業(yè)語料
- 013-服飾服裝行業(yè)語料
- 014-品牌廣告行業(yè)語料
- 015-商業(yè)營銷行業(yè)語料
- 016-旅行旅游行業(yè)語料
- 017-高新科技行業(yè)語料
- 018-電子產品行業(yè)語料
- 019-食品飲料行業(yè)語料
- 020-個人護理相關語料
- 021-企業(yè)管理相關語料
- 022-房地產商行業(yè)語料
- 023-移動通訊行業(yè)語料
- 024-銀行業(yè)務行業(yè)語料
- 025-法律相關行業(yè)語料
- 026-財務會計相關語料
- 027-醫(yī)學醫(yī)療行業(yè)語料
- 028-計算機的行業(yè)語料
- 029-化學醫(yī)藥行業(yè)語料
- 030-合同協(xié)議常用語料
- 031-媒體相關行業(yè)語料
- 032-軟件技術行業(yè)語料
- 033-檢驗檢測行業(yè)語料
- 034-貿易運輸行業(yè)語料
- 035-國際經濟行業(yè)語料
- 036-紡織產品行業(yè)語料
- 037-物流專業(yè)行業(yè)語料
- 038-平面設計行業(yè)語料
- 039-法語水電承包語料
- 040-法語承包工程語料
- 041-春節(jié)的特輯語料庫
- 042-醫(yī)學詞匯日語語料
- 043-石油管路俄語語料
- 044-電機專業(yè)行業(yè)語料
- 045-工業(yè)貿易行業(yè)語料
- 046-建筑工程法語語料
- 047-核電工程行業(yè)語料
- 048-工廠專業(yè)日語語料
- 049-疏浚工程行業(yè)語料
- 050-環(huán)境英語行業(yè)語料
- 051-地鐵常用詞典語料
- 052-常用公告詞典語料
- 英文專業(yè)翻譯
- 法語母語翻譯
- 德語母語翻譯
- 西班牙母語翻譯
- 意大利母語翻譯
- 拉丁語專業(yè)翻譯
- 葡萄牙母語翻譯
- 丹麥母語翻譯
- 波蘭母語翻譯
- 希臘母語翻譯
- 芬蘭母語翻譯
- 匈牙利母語翻譯
- 俄語母語翻譯
- 克羅地亞翻譯
- 阿爾巴尼亞翻譯
- 挪威母語翻譯
- 荷蘭母語翻譯
- 保加利亞翻譯
項目 |
貨幣資金 |
Cash |
短期投資 |
Short term investments |
應收票據 |
Notes receivable |
應收股利 |
Dividend receivable |
應收利息 |
Interest receivable |
應收帳款 |
Accounts receivable |
其他應收款 |
Other receivables |
預付帳款 |
Accounts prepaid |
期貨保證金 |
Future guarantee |
應收補貼款 |
Allowance receivable |
應收出口退稅 |
Export drawback receivable |
存貨 |
Inventories |
其中:原材料 |
Including:Raw materials |
產成品(庫存商品) |
Finished goods |
待攤費用 |
Prepaid and deferred expenses |
待處理流動資產凈損失 |
Unsettled G/L on current assets |
一年內到期的長期債權投資 |
Long-term debenture investment falling due in a year |
其他流動資產 |
Other current assets |
流動資產合計 |
Total current assets |
長期投資: |
Long-term investment: |
其中:長期股權投資 |
Including long term equity investment |
長期債權投資 |
Long term securities investment |
*合并價差 |
Incorporating price difference |
長期投資合計 |
Total long-term investment |
固定資產原價 |
Fixed assets-cost |
減:累計折舊 |
Less:Accumulated Dpreciation |
固定資產凈值 |
Fixed assets-net value |
減:固定資產減值準備 |
Less:Impairment of fixed assets |
固定資產凈額 |
Net value of fixed assets |
固定資產清理 |
Disposal of fixed assets |
工程物資 |
Project material |
在建工程 |
Construction in Progress |
待處理固定資產凈損失 |
Unsettled G/L on fixed assets |
固定資產合計 |
Total tangible assets |
無形資產 |
Intangible assets |
其中:土地使用權 |
Including and use rights |
遞延資產(長期待攤費用) |
Deferred assets |
其中:固定資產修理 |
Including:Fixed assets repair |
固定資產改良支出 |
Improvement expenditure of fixed assets |
其他長期資產 |
Other long term assets |
其中:特準儲備物資 |
Among it:Specially approved reserving materials |
無形及其他資產合計 |
Total intangible assets and other assets |
遞延稅款借項 |
Deferred assets debits |
資產總計 |
Total Assets |
資產負債表(續(xù)表) |
Balance Sheet |
項目 |
短期借款 |
Short-term loans |
應付票款 |
Notes payable |
應付帳款 |
Accounts payab1e |
預收帳款 |
Advances from customers |
應付工資 |
Accrued payroll |
應付福利費 |
Welfare payable |
應付利潤(股利) |
Profits payab1e |
應交稅金 |
Taxes payable |
其他應交款 |
Other payable to government |
其他應付款 |
Other creditors |
預提費用 |
Provision for expenses |
預計負債 |
Accrued liabilities |
一年內到期的長期負債 |
Long term liabilities due within one year |
其他流動負債 |
Other current liabilities |
流動負債合計 |
Total current liabilities |
長期借款 |
Long-term loans payable |
應付債券 |
Bonds payable |
長期應付款 |
long-term accounts payable |
專項應付款 |
Special accounts payable |
其他長期負債 |
Other long-term liabilities |
其中:特準儲備資金 |
Including:Special reserve fund |
長期負債合計 |
Total long term liabilities |
遞延稅款貸項 |
Deferred taxation credit |
負債合計 |
Total liabilities |
*少數股東權益 |
Minority interests |
實收資本(股本) |
Subscribed Capital |
國家資本 |
National capital |
集體資本 |
Collective capital |
法人資本 |
Legal person"s capital |
其中:國有法人資本 |
Including:State-owned legal person"s capital |
集體法人資本 |
Collective legal person"s capital |
個人資本 |
Personal capital |
外商資本 |
Foreign businessmen"s capital |
資本公積 |
Capital surplus |
盈余公積 |
surplus reserve |
其中:法定盈余公積 |
Including:statutory surplus reserve |
公益金 |
public welfare fund |
補充流動資本 |
Supplermentary current capital |
*未確認的投資損失(以“-”號填列) |
Unaffirmed investment loss |
未分配利潤 |
Retained earnings |
外幣報表折算差額 |
Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements |
所有者權益合計 |
Total shareholder"s equity |
負債及所有者權益總計 |
Total Liabilities&Equity |
項目 |
產品銷售收入 |
Sales of products |
其中:出口產品銷售收入 |
Including:Export sales |
減:銷售折扣與折讓 |
Less:Sales discount and allowances |
產品銷售凈額 |
Net sales of products |
減:產品銷售稅金 |
Less:Sales tax |
產品銷售成本 |
Cost of sales |
其中:出口產品銷售成本 |
Including:Cost of export sales |
產品銷售毛利 |
Gross profit on sales |
減:銷售費用 |
Less:Selling expenses |
管理費用 |
General and administrative expenses |
財務費用 |
Financial expenses |
其中:利息支出(減利息收入) |
Including:Interest expenses(minusinterest ihcome) |
匯兌損失(減匯兌收益) |
Exchange losses(minus exchange gains) |
產品銷售利潤 |
Profit on sales |
加:其他業(yè)務利潤 |
Add:profit from other operations |
營業(yè)利潤 |
Operating profit |
加:投資收益 |
Add:Income on investment |
加:營業(yè)外收入 |
Add:Non-operating income |
減:營業(yè)外支出 |
Less:Non-operating expenses |
加:以前年度損益調整 |
Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years |
利潤總額 |
Total profit |
減:所得稅 |
Less:Income tax |
凈利潤 |
Net profit |
3.現金流量表Cash Flows Statement
項目 |
Items |
1.cash流量從經營活動: |
1.Cash Flows from Operating Activities: |
01)所收到的現金從銷售貨物或提供勞務 |
01)Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services |
02)收到的租金 |
02)Rental received |
增值稅銷售額收到退款的價值 |
Value added tax on sales received and refunds of value |
03)增值稅繳納 |
03)added tax paid |
04)退回的其他稅收和征費以外的增值稅 |
04)Refund of other taxes and levy other than value added tax |
07)其他現金收到有關經營活動 |
07)Other cash received relating to operating activities |
08)分,總現金流入量 |
08)Sub-total of cash inflows |
09)用現金支付的商品和服務 |
09)Cash paid for goods and services |
10)用現金支付經營租賃 |
10)Cash paid for operating leases |
11)用現金支付,并代表員工 |
11)Cash paid to and on behalf of employees |
12)增值稅購貨支付 |
12)Value added tax on purchases paid |
13)所得稅的繳納 |
13)Income tax paid |
14)支付的稅款以外的增值稅和所得稅 |
14)Taxes paid other than value added tax and income tax |
17)其他現金支付有關的經營活動 |
17)Other cash paid relating to operating activities |
18)分,總的現金流出 |
18)Sub-total of cash outflows |
19)凈經營活動的現金流量 |
19)Net cash flows from operating activities |
2.cash流向與投資活動: |
2.Cash Flows from Investing Activities: |
20)所收到的現金收回投資 |
20)Cash received from return of investments |
21)所收到的現金從分配股利,利潤 |
21)Cash received from distribution of dividends or profits |
22)所收到的現金從國債利息收入 |
22)Cash received from bond interest income |
現金凈額收到的處置固定資產,無形資產 |
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,intangible |
23)資產和其他長期資產 |
23)assets and other long-term assets |
26)其他收到的現金與投資活動 |
26)Other cash received relating to investing activities |
27)小計的現金流入量 |
27)Sub-total of cash inflows |
用現金支付購建固定資產,無形資產 |
Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,intangible assets |
28)和其他長期資產 |
28)and other long-term assets |
29)用現金支付,以獲取股權投資 |
29)Cash paid to acquire equity investments |
30)用現金支付收購債權投資 |
30)Cash paid to acquire debt investments |
33)其他現金支付的有關投資活動 |
33)Other cash paid relating to investing activities |
34)分,總的現金流出 |
34)Sub-total of cash outflows |
35)的凈現金流量,投資活動產生 |
35)Net cash flows from investing activities |
3.cash流量籌資活動: |
3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities: |
36)的收益,從發(fā)行股票 |
36)Proceeds from issuing shares |
37)的收益,由發(fā)行債券 |
37)Proceeds from issuing bonds |
38)的收益,由借款 |
38)Proceeds from borrowings |
41)其他收益有關的融資活動 |
41)Other proceeds relating to financing activities |
42),小計的現金流入量 |
42)Sub-total of cash inflows |
43)的現金償還債務所支付的 |
43)Cash repayments of amounts borrowed |
44)現金支付的費用,對任何融資活動 |
44)Cash payments of expenses on any financing activities |
45)支付現金,分配股利或利潤 |
45)Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits |
46)以現金支付的利息費用 |
46)Cash payments of interest expenses |
47)以現金支付,融資租賃 |
47)Cash payments for finance leases |
48)以現金支付,減少注冊資本 |
48)Cash payments for reduction of registered capital |
51)其他現金收支有關的融資活動 |
51)Other cash payments relating to financing activities |
52)分,總的現金流出 |
52)Sub-total of cash outflows |
53)的凈現金流量從融資活動 |
53)Net cash flows from financing activities |
4.effect的外匯匯率變動對現金 |
54.Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash |
5.net增加現金和現金等價物 |
55.Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
補充資料 |
Supplemental Information |
1.投資活動和籌資活動,不參與 |
1.Investing and Financing Activities that do not Involve in |
現金收款和付款 |
Cash Receipts and Payments |
56)償還債務的轉讓固定資產 |
56)Repayment of debts by the transfer of fixed assets |
57)償還債務的轉移投資 |
57)Repayment of debts by the transfer of investments |
58)投資在形成固定資產 |
58)Investments in the form of fixed assets |
59)償還債務的轉移庫存量 |
59)Repayments of debts by the transfer of investories |
2.reconciliation凈利潤現金流量從經營 |
2.Reconciliation of Net Profit to Cash Flows from Operating |
活動 |
Activities |
62)凈利潤 |
62)Net profit |
63)補充規(guī)定的壞帳或不良債務注銷 |
63)Add provision for bad debt or bad debt written off |
64)固定資產折舊 |
64)Depreciation of fixed assets |
65)無形資產攤銷 |
65)Amortization of intangible assets |
損失處置固定資產,無形資產 |
Losses on disposal of fixed assets,intangible assets |
66)和其他長期資產(或減:收益) |
66)and other long-term assets (or deduct:gains) |
67)損失固定資產報廢 |
67)Losses on scrapping of fixed assets |
68)財務費用 |
68)Financial expenses |
69)引起的損失由投資管理(或減:收益) |
69)Losses arising from investments (or deduct:gains) |
70)defered稅收抵免(或減:借記卡) |
70)Defered tax credit (or deduct:debit) |
71)減少存貨(或減:增加) |
71)Decrease in inventories (or deduct:increase) |
72)減少經營性應收(或減:增加) |
72)Decrease in operating receivables (or deduct:increase) |
73)增加的經營應付賬款(或減:減少) |
73)Increase in operating payables (or deduct:decrease) |
74)凈支付的增值稅(或減:收益凈額 |
74)Net payment on value added tax (or deduct:net receipts |
75)凈經營活動的現金流量 |
75)Net cash flows from operating activities |
3.net增加現金和現金等價物 |
3.Net Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents |
76)的現金,在此期限結束 |
76)cash at the end of the period |
77)減:現金期開始 |
77)Less:cash at the beginning of the period |
78)加:現金等價物在此期限結束 |
78)Plus:cash equivalents at the end of the period |
79)減:現金等價物期開始 |
79)Less:cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
80),凈增加現金和現金等價物 |
80)Net increase in cash and cash equivalents |