2017年5月初級筆譯考試中英互譯微實踐練習(2) | |
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發(fā)起人:eging 回復數(shù):1 瀏覽數(shù):13193 最后更新:2022/9/28 5:39:42 by nihaota |
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eging 發(fā)表于 2017/10/5 12:48:00
2017年5月初級筆譯考試中英互譯微實踐練習(2) 中翻英:
1.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:中國官方調(diào)查星期六顯示,中國非制造業(yè)領域十月分的PMI是55.5%,比9月高了1.8個百分點。 #參考答案# The Purchasing Managers Index of China's non-manufacturing sector was 55.5 percent in October, up 1.8 percentage points from September, an official survey showed on Saturday. 2.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:據(jù)中國氣象當局報告,近幾天中國北部有一股冷氣流降臨,并給內(nèi)蒙古帶來降雪。 #參考答案# According to China’s weather bureau, a cold wave is hitting the northern parts of China these days, bringing snow to Inner Mongolia. 3.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯: 中國互聯(lián)網(wǎng)搜索引擎公司和政府資助的貿(mào)易集團星期四同意遵守共同行為準則,以減緩因日益增加的競爭帶來的緊張局勢。 #參考答案#China's Internet search companies and a government-sponsored trade group agreed to a code of conduct on Thursday to moderate tensions in increasing competition. 4.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:美宇航局和英皇家天文學會的新研究顯示,在宇宙中發(fā)現(xiàn)高等生物的關鍵為太陽系內(nèi)擁有的隕石帶。 #參考答案#A new study by NASA & the UK's Royal Astronomical Society suggests that having the right kind of asteroid belt in a solar system could be essential to finding intelligent life in the universe. 5.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:一名修士頓的美國公民因被法院誤判綁架和性侵犯而坐牢17年,將獲得政府賠償310萬美金. #參考答案#A U.S. citizen in Houston will receive 3.1 million U.S. dollars for 17 years he spent in prison wrongfully convicted of kidnapping and rape, local media reported Friday. 6.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯: 加拿大政府星期五表示,還需要30天來審查中國海洋石油有限公司收購石油和天然氣生產(chǎn)公司尼克森的項目。 #參考答案# The Canadian government said Friday it needs another 30 days to review China National Offshore Oil Corporation Limited’s takeover bid of oil and gas producer Nexen Inc. 7.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:葡萄牙政府星期五表示,盡管該國目前遭遇債務危機,該國年度旅游相關收入在2013年將超過80億歐幣。 #參考答案# Portugal's annual revenues related to tourism will exceed 8 billion euros in 2013 despite the country's debt crisis, Portuguese authorities said on Friday. 英翻中: 1.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯: The month of courtship had wasted: its very last hours were being numbered. There was no putting off the day that advanced- the bridal day; and all preparations for its arrival were complete. #參考答案# 一個月的求婚期過去了,只剩下了最后幾個小時。結(jié)婚的日子已經(jīng)臨近,不會推遲。一切準備工作也已就緒。 2.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:The event of last night again recurred to me. I interpreted it as a warning of disaster. I feared my hopes were too bright to be realised. #參考答案# 我不由得想起了昨晚的一幕,我把它理解成是災禍的預兆。我擔心自己的希望過于光明而不可能實現(xiàn)。 3.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:He saw me; for the moon had opened a blue field in the sky, and rode in it watery bright: he took his hat off, and waved it round his head. I now ran to meet him. #參考答案# 他看見了我,因為月亮在空中開辟了一條藍色的光帶,在光帶中飄移,晶瑩透亮。他摘下帽子,在頭頂揮動,我迎著他跑上去。 4.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:I obeyed: joy made me agile: I sprang up before him. A hearty kissing I got for a welcome, and some boastful triumph. #參考答案# 我照他說的做了。心里一高興身子也靈活了,我跳上馬坐到他前面。他使勁吻我,表示對我的歡迎,隨后又自鳴得意地吹了一番。 5.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:'I cannot see my prospects clearly to-night, sir; and I hardly know what thoughts I have in my head. Everything in life seems unreal.' #參考答案# “今晚我看不清自己的前景,先生。而且我?guī)缀醪恢滥X子里想些什么?生活中的一切似乎都是虛幻的?!?/font> 6.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:'Well, I cannot return to the house,' I thought; 'I cannot sit by the fireside, while he is abroad in inclement weather: better tire my limbs than strain my heart. #參考答案# “是呀,我不能回屋去,”我思忖道,“我不能安坐在火爐邊,而他卻風風雨雨在外面闖蕩。與其憂心如焚,不如腳頭勞累一些。 7.#翻譯微實踐# 請翻譯:I set out; I walked fast, but not far: ere I had measured a quarter of a mile, I heard the tramp of hoofs; a horseman came on, full gallop. |
nihaota 發(fā)表于 2022/9/28 5:39:44
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