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發(fā)表時間:2018/06/21 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3212  
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按照法律規(guī)定according to law
按照確定的份額分享權力:be entitled to rights in proportion to his proper share of the credit
按照確定的份額分擔義務:assume obligations in proportion to his proper share of the debt
案例教學法case system
案例匯編case book; case report; law report
柏拉圖 Plato
《保護人權與基本自由公約》(1950) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 1950?。_)
被視為be deemed as
被宣布為非法be outlawed; be declared illegal
比較法comparative law
比較法學comparative jurisprudence
比較法學派school of comparative jurisprudence
比較法制史 comparative legal history
比較分析法method of comparative analysis
比較刑法comparative penal law
比較刑法學comparative penal jurisprudence
必然因果關系positive causal relationship
邊緣法學borderline jurisprudence
變通辦法adaptation; accommodation
補充規(guī)定supplementary provision
補救辦法remedial measures
不成文法unwritten law
不成文憲法unwritten constitution
不動產所在地法律 law of the place where the real property is situated; lex loci rei immobilisci
不可分割的權利impartible right
不可抗力 force majuere
不履行法律義務non-performance of obligation
不要式行為informal act
不要因的法律行為non-causal juristic act
不因實效而喪失的權利imprescriptible right
不作為abstain from an act; act of omission
部門法department law
參照 consult
參照具體情況 in the light of actual conditions
參照原文 consult the original
查士丁尼法典 Code Justinian; Codex Justinianus
查士丁尼法規(guī)匯編 Authenticum
超出法律范圍的 outside of law
超出法律權限的 extralegal
超過權限 exceed authority; beyond jurisdiction
成文法 written law
成文憲法 written constitution
沖突法 conflict of laws; rules of conflict
沖突規(guī)則 conflict rule; rule of conflict
除(本法)另有規(guī)定外 except for otherwise stipulated (by this law)
除外條款 provisory clause
除外責任條款 exclusion clause
觸犯公共利益 encroach on the public interests
觸犯國際利益 go against the state‘s interests
觸犯人民利益 encroach on the interests of the people; go against the people‘s interests
傳統(tǒng)法律觀念 traditional ideas of law
純粹法學 pure theory of law
次要法規(guī) by law
次要規(guī)則 secondary rule
從寬解釋原則 doctrine of liberal construction
從權利 accessory right
達到法定年齡 come of age
大法 the fundamental law

大法官 Lord High Chancellor

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