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(1991年4月9日第七屆全國人民代表大會第四次會議通過 根據(jù)2007年10月28日第十屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第三十次會議《關于修改〈中華人民共和國民事訴訟法〉的決定》修正)

Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China

(Adopted on April 9, 1991 at the Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress, and revised according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Amending the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China as adopted at the 30th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People’s Congress)

第一編 總 則

Part One General Principles

第一章 任務、適用范圍和基本原則

Chapter 1 Purposes, Scope of Regulation and Basic Principles

第一條 【立法依據(jù)】中華人民共和國民事訴訟法以憲法為根據(jù),結(jié)合我國民事審判工作的經(jīng)驗和實際情況制定。

Article 1 The Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China is formulated according to the Constitution and in the light of the experience and actual conditions of adjudicating civil cases in our country.

第二條 【立法目的】中華人民共和國民事訴訟法的任務,是保護當事人行使訴訟權(quán)利,保證人民法院查明事實,分清是非,正確適用法律,及時審理民事案件,確認民事權(quán)利義務關系,制裁民事違法行為,保護當事人的合法權(quán)益,教育公民自覺遵守法律,維護社會秩序、經(jīng)濟秩序,保障社會主義建設事業(yè)順利進行。

Article 2 The purposes of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China are to protect the litigation rights exercised by the parties, to ensure that the people’s courts find facts, to distinguish right from wrong, to apply the law correctly, to try civil cases promptly, to affirm the rights and obligations in civil affairs, to impose sanctions for civil wrong doings, to protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties, to educate citizens to voluntarily abide by the law, to maintain the social and economic order, and to guarantee the smooth progress of the socialist construction.

第三條 【適用范圍】人民法院受理公民之間、法人之間、其他組織之間以及他們相互之間因財產(chǎn)關系和人身關系提起的民事訴訟,適用本法的規(guī)定。

Article 3 The provisions of this Law shall apply to all the civil litigation accepted by people’s courts regarding disputes over the status of property and personal relations among citizens, legal persons, or other organizations respectively and mutually between citizens, legal persons, or other organizations.

第四條 【空間效力】凡在中華人民共和國領域內(nèi)進行民事訴訟,必須遵守本法。

Article 4 All those who involve in civil lawsuits within the territory of the People’s Republic of China must abide by this Law.

第五條 【外國人訴訟地位】外國人、無國籍人、外國企業(yè)和組織在人民法院起訴、應訴,同中華人民共和國公民、法人和其他組織有同等的訴訟權(quán)利義務。


Article 5 Foreign nationals, stateless persons, foreign enterprises, or organizations, which initiate or respond to lawsuits in people’s courts, shall have the same litigation rights and obligations as the citizens, legal persons, or other organizations of the People’s Republic of China.

Should the courts of a foreign country impose restrictions on the civil litigation rights of the citizens, legal persons, or other organizations of the People’s Republic of China, the people’s courts of the People’s Republic of China shall follow the principle of reciprocity regarding the civil litigation rights of the citizens, enterprises, or organizations of that foreign country.

第六條 【法院獨立審判】民事案件的審判權(quán)由人民法院行使。


Article 6 The adjudication authority over civil cases shall be exercised by the people’s courts only.

The people’s courts shall adjudicate civil cases independently according to law, and shall not be subject to any interference from an administrative organ, public organization, or individual.

第七條 【審理原則】人民法院審理民事案件,必須以事實為根據(jù),以法律為準繩。

Article 7 The people’s courts must take the facts as the basis and take the law as the criterion when adjudicating civil cases.

第八條 【訴訟權(quán)利平等】民事訴訟當事人有平等的訴訟權(quán)利。人民法院審理民事案件,應當保障和便利當事人行使訴訟權(quán)利,對當事人在適用法律上一律平等。

Article 8 All parties to a civil litigation shall have equal litigation rights. The people’s courts shall, when adjudicating civil cases, guarantee and facilitate all parties to exercise their litigation rights, and apply the law equally to all parties.

第九條 【法院調(diào)解】人民法院審理民事案件,應當根據(jù)自愿和合法的原則進行調(diào)解;調(diào)解不成的,應當及時判決。

Article 9 When adjudicating civil cases, the people’s courts may mediate the disputes according to the principles of voluntariness and lawfulness; if a mediation agreement can not be reached, the courts shall render judgments without delay.

第十條 【審判制度】人民法院審理民事案件,依照法律規(guī)定實行合議、回避、公開審判和兩審終審制度。

Article 10 When adjudicating civil cases, the people’s courts shall apply the systems of collegial panel, recusal, public trial, and “two trials and the second one is final”.

第十一條 【語言文字】各民族公民都有用本民族語言、文字進行民事訴訟的權(quán)利。



Article 11 Chinese citizens of all ethnicities shall have the right to use their native spoken and written languages in civil proceedings.

In the areas where an ethnic minority is concentrated or a number of different ethnic nationalities live together, the people’s courts shall conduct hearings and publish legal documents in the spoken and written languages commonly used by these people.

The people’s courts shall provide translations for any litigation participants who are not familiar with the spoken or written languages commonly used by the local people.

第十二條 【辯論權(quán)】人民法院審理民事案件時,當事人有權(quán)進行辯論。

Article 12 When adjudicating civil cases by the people’s court, the parties shall have the right to engage in argument.

第十三條 【處分權(quán)】當事人有權(quán)在法律規(guī)定的范圍內(nèi)處分自己的民事權(quán)利和訴訟權(quán)利。

Article 13 The parties to a civil litigation shall be entitled, within the scope stipulated by law, to dispose their rights of civil affairs and litigation.

第十四條 【法律監(jiān)督】人民檢察院有權(quán)對民事審判活動實行法律監(jiān)督。

Article 14 The people’s procuratorates shall have the right to exercise legal supervision over the civil proceedings.

第十五條 【支持起訴】機關、社會團體、企業(yè)事業(yè)單位對損害國家、集體或者個人民事權(quán)益的行為,可以支持受損害的單位或者個人向人民法院起訴。

Article 15 If the civil rights and interests of the state, a collective, or an individual have been infringed, a state organ, public organization, enterprise, or institution may support the injured unit or individual to initiate legal action in a people’s court.

第十六條 【人民調(diào)解】人民調(diào)解委員會是在基層人民政府和基層人民法院指導下,調(diào)解民間糾紛的群眾性組織。



Article 16 The People’s Conciliation Committees are the organizations for mass to mediate civil disputes derived from private citizens under the guidance of basic people’s governments and the basic people’s courts.

The People’s Conciliation Committees shall conduct all mediations according to legal provisions and the principle of voluntariness. All concerned parties shall enforce mediation agreement. Where any concerned parties refuse mediation, fail to reach a mediation agreement, or retract a mediation agreement, they may initiate legal proceedings in a people’s court.

If a People’s Conciliation Committee violates the law when mediating civil disputes, the people’s court shall correct it.

第十七條 【變通規(guī)定】民族自治地方的人民代表大會根據(jù)憲法和本法的原則,結(jié)合當?shù)孛褡宓木唧w情況,可以制定變通或者補充的規(guī)定。自治區(qū)的規(guī)定,報全國人民代表大會常務委員會批準。自治州、自治縣的規(guī)定,報省或者自治區(qū)的人民代表大會常務委員會批準,并報全國人民代表大會常務委員會備案。

Article 17 The people’s congresses of the national autonomous areas may formulate some accommodating or supplementary provisions according to the principles of the Constitution and this Law and based on the specific circumstances of their localities. Such provisions made by an autonomous region shall be submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for approval. The provisions made by an autonomous prefecture or autonomous county shall be submitted to the standing committee of the people’s congress of the relevant autonomous region or province for approval and to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress for the record.

第二章 管 轄

Chapter 2 Jurisdiction

第一節(jié) 級別管轄

Section 1 Jurisdiction by Levels of Courts

第十八條 【基層法院管轄】基層人民法院管轄第一審民事案件,但本法另有規(guī)定的除外。

Article 18 A basic people’s court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over civil cases, unless otherwise stipulated in this Law.

第十九條 【中級法院管轄】中級人民法院管轄下列第一審民事案件:




Article 19 An intermediate people’s court shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following civil cases:

(1)Major cases involving foreign elements;

(2)Cases that have major impacts in the area of its jurisdiction; and

(3)Cases under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people’s courts as determined by the Supreme People’s Court.

第二十條 【高級法院管轄】高級人民法院管轄在本轄區(qū)有重大影響的第一審民事案件。

Article 20 A higher people’s courts shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over civil cases that have major impacts on the areas of its jurisdiction.

第二十一條 【最高法院管轄】最高人民法院管轄下列第一審民事案件:



Article 21The Supreme People’s Court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over the following civil cases:

(1)Cases that have major impacts on the whole country; and

(2)Cases that the Supreme People’s Court deems should be adjudicated by itself.

第二節(jié) 地域管轄

Section 2 Territorial Jurisdiction

第二十二條 【一般地域管轄】對公民提起的民事訴訟,由被告住所地人民法院管轄;被告住所地與經(jīng)常居住地不一致的,由經(jīng)常居住地人民法院管轄。



Article 22 A civil lawsuit brought against a citizen shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the defendant has his domicile; if the defendant’s domicile is different from his habitual residence, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place of his habitual residence.

A civil lawsuit brought against a legal person or an organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the defendant has its domicile.

Where the domiciles or habitual residences of several defendants in the same lawsuit are in the areas under the jurisdiction of two or more people’s courts, all of those people’s courts shall have jurisdiction over the lawsuit.

第二十三條 【特別規(guī)定】下列民事訴訟,由原告住所地人民法院管轄;原告住所地與經(jīng)常居住地不一致的,由原告經(jīng)常居住地人民法院管轄:





Article 23 The civil litigations described below shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the plaintiff has his domicile; if the plaintiff’s domicile is different from his habitual residence, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’ court located in the place of the plaintiff’s habitual residence. The relevant civil litigations are:

(1)Litigations concerning the status of persons who do not reside within the territory of the People’s Republic of China;

(2)Litigations concerning the status of persons whose whereabouts are unknown or whom have been declared missing;

(3)Litigations brought against the persons who are undergoing reeducation through labor; and

(4)Litigations brought against persons who are in imprisonment.

第二十四條 【合同糾紛管轄】因合同糾紛提起的訴訟,由被告住所地或者合同履行地人民法院管轄。

Article 24 A lawsuit brought about a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed.

第二十五條 【協(xié)議管轄】合同的雙方當事人可以在書面合同中協(xié)議選擇被告住所地、合同履行地、合同簽訂地、原告住所地、標的物所在地人民法院管轄,但不得違反本法對級別管轄和專屬管轄的規(guī)定。

Article 25 The parties to a contract may, through the written contract, choose a people’s court, which located in the place where the defendant would have his domicile, the contract would be performed, the contract would be signed, the plaintiff would have his domicile, or the subject of the contract would be located, to have jurisdiction over the case, as long as this jurisdiction choice does not violate the provisions of this Law regarding the Jurisdiction by Level and the Exclusive Jurisdiction.

第二十六條 【保險糾紛管轄】因保險合同糾紛提起的訴訟,由被告住所地或者保險標的物所在地人民法院管轄。

Article 26 A lawsuit brought for insurance contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the insured subject matter is located.

第二十七條 【票據(jù)糾紛管轄】因票據(jù)糾紛提起的訴訟,由票據(jù)支付地或者被告住所地人民法院管轄。

Article 27 A lawsuit brought for a negotiable instrument dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the negotiable instrument is to be paid or where the defendant has his domicile.

第二十八條 【運輸糾紛管轄】因鐵路、公路、水上、航空運輸和聯(lián)合運輸合同糾紛提起的訴訟,由運輸始發(fā)地、目的地或者被告住所地人民法院管轄。

Article 28 A lawsuit brought for a dispute over transportation contract via railway, highway, water, air, or combined transportation shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place of the departure or the destination, or where the defendant has his domicile.

第二十九條 【侵權(quán)行為管轄】因侵權(quán)行為提起的訴訟,由侵權(quán)行為地或者被告住所地人民法院管轄。

Article 29 A lawsuit brought for a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the infringing act took place or where the defendant has his domicile.

第三十條 【交通事故管轄】因鐵路、公路、水上和航空事故請求損害賠償提起的訴訟,由事故發(fā)生地或者車輛、船舶最先到達地、航空器最先降落地或者被告住所地人民法院管轄。

Article 30 A lawsuit to claim damages caused by a railway, highway, water, or aviation transportation accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the accident took place, where the vehicle or ship first arrived after the accident, where the aircraft first landed after the accident, or where the defendant has his domicile.

第三十一條 【海損事故管轄】因船舶碰撞或者其他海事?lián)p害事故請求損害賠償提起的訴訟,由碰撞發(fā)生地、碰撞船舶最先到達地、加害船舶被扣留地或者被告住所地人民法院管轄。

Article 31 A lawsuit brought for damages caused by a ship collision or any other maritime accident shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the collision took place or where the collision ship first docked after the accident or where the ship at fault was detained, or where the defendant has his domicile.

第三十二條 【海難救助管轄】因海難救助費用提起的訴訟,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到達地人民法院管轄。

Article 32 A lawsuit brought for a maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged vessel first docked after the disaster.

第三十三條 【共同海損管轄】因共同海損提起的訴訟,由船舶最先到達地、共同海損理算地或者航程終止地的人民法院管轄。

Article 33 A lawsuit brought for a general average shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the ship first docked after the general average adjustment took place or the adjustment thereof was conducted or where the voyage ended.

第三十四條 【專屬管轄】下列案件,由本條規(guī)定的人民法院專屬管轄:




Article 34 The following cases shall be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the people’s courts herein specified:

(1)A lawsuit brought for real estate shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the real estate is located;

(2)A lawsuit concerning harbor operations shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the harbor is located; and

(3)A lawsuit concerning an inheritance shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court located in the place where the decedent had his domicile upon his death, or where the principal portion of his estate is located.

第三十五條 【選擇管轄】兩個以上人民法院都有管轄權(quán)的訴訟,原告可以向其中一個人民法院起訴;原告向兩個以上有管轄權(quán)的人民法院起訴的,由最先立案的人民法院管轄。

Article 35 When two or more people’s courts have jurisdiction over a lawsuit, the plaintiff may bring his lawsuit in one of these people’s courts; if the plaintiff brings the lawsuit in two or more people’s courts that have jurisdiction over the lawsuit, it shall be handled by the people’s court that accepts the case first.

第三節(jié) 移送管轄和指定管轄

Section 3 Jurisdiction by Transfer and Jurisdiction by Designation

第三十六條 【移送管轄】人民法院發(fā)現(xiàn)受理的案件不屬于本院管轄的,應當移送有管轄權(quán)的人民法院,受移送的人民法院應當受理。受移送的人民法院認為受移送的案件依照規(guī)定不屬于本院管轄的,應當報請上級人民法院指定管轄,不得再自行移送。

Article 36 If a people’s court discovers that a case it has accepted is not under its jurisdiction, it shall transfer the case to the people’s court that does have jurisdiction over the case. The people’s court to which a case has been transferred shall accept the case, and if it considers that, according to relevant regulations, the transferred case is not under its jurisdiction, it shall report to a superior people’s court for the designation of jurisdiction and shall not transfer the case to another people’s court without authorization.

第三十七條 【指定管轄】有管轄權(quán)的人民法院由于特殊原因,不能行使管轄權(quán)的,由上級人民法院指定管轄。


Article 37 If a people’s court which has jurisdiction over a case is unable to exercise the jurisdiction for a special reason, the superior people’s court shall designate another court to exercise the jurisdiction.

If there is a dispute over a jurisdiction among people’s courts, it shall be resolved by the disputing parties through consultation; if the dispute cannot be resolved through consultation, the disputing courts shall ask their superior people’s court to designate the jurisdiction.

第三十八條 【管轄異議】人民法院受理案件后,當事人對管轄權(quán)有異議的,應當在提交答辯狀期間提出。人民法院對當事人提出的異議,應當審查。異議成立的,裁定將案件移送有管轄權(quán)的人民法院;異議不成立的,裁定駁回。

Article 38 If a party rejects the jurisdiction of his case after the case was accepted by a people’s court, the party shall raise the rejection during the period for submitting briefs. The people’s court shall examine such objection. If the objection is tenable, the people’s court shall rule that the case be transferred to the people’s court that does have jurisdiction over the case; if the rejection is untenable, the people’s court shall overrule the objection.

第三十九條 【管轄轉(zhuǎn)移】上級人民法院有權(quán)審理下級人民法院管轄的第一審民事案件,也可以把本院管轄的第一審民事案件交下級人民法院審理。


Article 39 People’s courts at higher levels shall have the authority to try civil cases over which people’s courts at lower levels have jurisdiction as courts of first instance; they may also transfer civil cases over which they themselves have jurisdiction as courts of first instance to people’s courts at lower levels for adjudication.

If a people’s court at a lower level deems it necessary for a civil case of first instance under its jurisdiction to be tried by a people’s court at a higher level, it may request such a people’s court to adjudicate the case.

第三章 審判組織

Chapter 3 Trial Organization

第四十條 【一審審判組織】人民法院審理第一審民事案件,由審判員、陪審員共同組成合議庭或者由審判員組成合議庭。合議庭的成員人數(shù),必須是單數(shù)。



Article 40 Civil cases of first instance shall be tried in a people’s court by a collegial bench consisting of both judges and assessors or of judges alone. The numbers of members of a collegial bench shall be odd.

Civil cases to which summary procedure is applied shall be tried by a single judge alone.

When carrying out their duties as assessors, the assessors shall have equal rights and obligations as the judges.

第四十一條 【二、重、再審審判組織】人民法院審理第二審民事案件,由審判員組成合議庭。合議庭的成員人數(shù),必須是單數(shù)。



Article 41 Civil cases of second instance shall be tried in a people’s court by a collegial bench of judges. The numbers of members of a collegial bench shall be odd.

For the retrial of a remanded case, the people’s court of first instance shall form a new collegial bench according to the procedure of first instance.

If a case for retrial was originally tried at first instance, a new collegial bench shall be formed according to the procedure of first instance; if the case was originally tried at second instance or was removed to a people’s court at a higher level for trial, a new collegial bench shall be formed according to the procedure of second instance.

第四十二條 【審判長】合議庭的審判長由院長或者庭長指定審判員一人擔任;院長或者庭長參加審判的,由院長或者庭長擔任。

Article 42 The president of the court or the chief judge of a division shall designate a judge to serve as the presiding judge of the collegial bench; if the president or the chief judge participates in trial, he himself shall serve as the presiding judge.

第四十三條 【評議原則】合議庭評議案件,實行少數(shù)服從多數(shù)的原則。評議應當制作筆錄,由合議庭成員簽名。評議中的不同意見,必須如實記入筆錄。

Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial bench shall observe the principle of minority obeying majority. The deliberations shall be recorded in writing, and the transcript shall be signed by the members of the collegial bench. The dissenting opinions in the deliberations shall be truthfully recorded in the transcript.

第四十四條 【審判人員義務】審判人員應當依法秉公辦案。



Article 44 The adjudicating personnel shall handle the case impartially and according to law.

The adjudicating personnel shall not accept a treat or gift from the parties or their agents.

Any adjudicating personnel who commits embezzlement, accepts bribes, practices favoritism for himself or relatives, twists the law in rendering judgment shall be investigated for legal responsibility; if a crime is committed, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

第四章 回 避

Chapter 4 Recusal of Adjudicating Personnel

第四十五條 【適用情形】審判人員有下列情形之一的,必須回避,當事人有權(quán)用口頭或者書面方式申請他們回避:





Article 45 Any member of the adjudicating personnel in any of the following circumstances shall be disqualified, and the litigation parties shall also have the right to request, orally or in writing, such an adjudicator to be withdrawn from this case. The relevant circumstances are:

(1)He is a party or a near relative of a party or a near relative of a litigation representative to the case;

(2)He has a personal interest in the case; or

(3)He has some other relationship with a party to the case, which could influence the impartial adjudication.

The above provisions shall also apply to clerks, interpreters, expert witnesses, and examiners.

第四十六條 【回避申請】當事人提出回避申請,應當說明理由,在案件開始審理時提出;回避事由在案件開始審理后知道的,也可以在法庭辯論終結(jié)前提出。


Article 46 When a party makes a request to disqualify an adjudicator, he shall make an explanation and submit the request at the beginning of the proceedings; a request for recusal may also be submitted before the end of court debate if the recusal reason is uncovered after the proceeding begins.

If a recusal decision is waiting for a people’s court to decide, the personnel who have been requested to be disqualified shall temporarily be suspended from participating in the proceedings, but with the exception of cases that require emergency measures.

第四十七條 【回避決定】院長擔任審判長時的回避,由審判委員會決定;審判人員的回避,由院長決定;其他人員的回避,由審判長決定。

Article 47 The recusal of a court president who serves as the presiding judge shall be decided by the adjudicating committee; the recusal of adjudicators shall be decided by the court president; the recusal of other personnel shall be decided by the presiding judge.

第四十八條 【回避時限及后果】人民法院對當事人提出的回避申請,應當在申請?zhí)岢龅娜諆?nèi),以口頭或者書面形式作出決定。申請人對決定不服的,可以在接到?jīng)Q定時申請復議一次。復議期間,被申請回避的人員,不停止參與本案的工作。人民法院對復議申請,應當在三日內(nèi)作出復議決定,并通知復議申請人。

Article 48 The decision of a people’s court on a request for recusal shall be made orally or in writing within three days after the request was made. If a party is not satisfied with a recusal decision, it may apply for reconsideration once. During the period of reconsideration, the personnel who have been requested to be disqualified shall not be suspended from participating in the proceedings. The decision of a people’s court on an application for reconsideration shall be made within three days after receiving the application and the person who has made the application for reconsideration shall be notified of the decision.

第五章 訴訟參加人

Chapter 5 Litigation Participants

第一節(jié) 當事人

Section 1 Parties

第四十九條 【當事人范圍】公民、法人和其他組織可以作為民事訴訟的當事人。


Article 49 Any citizen, legal person or any other organization may become a party to a civil lawsuit.

Legal persons shall be represented by their legal representatives in litigation. Other organizations shall be represented by their principal leading personnel in litigation.

第五十條 【訴訟權(quán)利義務】當事人有權(quán)委托代理人,提出回避申請,收集、提供證據(jù),進行辯論,請求調(diào)解,提起上訴,申請執(zhí)行。



Article 50 The parties shall have the right to appoint representatives, request recusals of adjudicating personnel, collect and provide evidence, engage in debate, request mediation, file an appeal, and apply for an enforcement of judgments.

The parties may consult the materials relating to the court proceedings of the case and copy the materials and other legal documents pertaining to the case. However, materials involving state secrets, trade secrets, or the private affairs of individuals shall be exceptions.

The parties must exercise their litigation rights according to the law, observe litigation procedures and carry out legally effective written judgments or orders and mediation statements.

第五十一條 【自行和解】雙方當事人可以自行和解。

Article 51 The two parties may reach a settlement agreement on their own.

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