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發(fā)表時間:2018/03/30 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):2986  
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人:  身份證號:


 第一條 買受人所購房屋的基本情況

買受人購買的房屋(以下簡稱該房屋,其房屋平面圖見本合同附件一,房號以附件一上表示為準) ,1號樓15層3號房。



 第二條 計價方式與價款


按建筑面積計算,該房屋單價為(人民幣)每平方米7566元,總金額( 人民幣) 捌拾肆萬柒千叁百玖拾元整。

 第三條 付款方式及期限買受人按下列第 1種方式按期付款。

1.一次性付款 。買受方在簽訂購房合同后2日內(nèi)向出賣方一次性支付房款,¥847,390.00元,大寫:捌拾肆萬柒千叁百玖拾元整。

2.分期付款 。買受方簽訂購房合同后與月日前向出賣方預交房價費的 %,¥大寫元整。剩余房價款待買受方房屋鑰匙到時補齊。

3.其他方式 。






 第四條 交付期限





但如遇下列特殊原因,除雙方協(xié)商同意解除合同或變更合同外,出賣人可據(jù)實予以延期:遭遇不可抗力,且出賣人在發(fā)生之日15 日內(nèi)告知買受人的;




(1)逾期不超過20日,自本合同第八條規(guī)定的最后交付期限的第二天起至實際交付之日止,出賣人按日向買受人支付已交付房價款萬分之 的違約金,合同繼續(xù)履行;

(2)逾期超過20日后,買受人有權解除合同。買受人解除合同的,出賣人應當自買受人解除合同通知到達之日起 天內(nèi)退還全部已付款,并按買受人累計已付款的20%向買受人支付違約金。買受人要求繼續(xù)履行行合同的,合同繼續(xù)履行,自本合同第八條規(guī)定的最后交付期限的第二天起至實際交付之日止,出賣人按日向買受人支付已交付房價款萬分之二十的違約金。

 第五條 交接


第六條 出賣人保證銷售的房屋沒有產(chǎn)權糾紛和債權債務糾紛。因出賣人原因,造成該房屋不能辦理產(chǎn)權登記或發(fā)生債權債務糾紛的,由出賣人承擔全部責任。

第七條 產(chǎn)權登記

出賣人應當在房屋交付使用后20日內(nèi),將辦理權屬登記需由出賣人提供的資料報產(chǎn)權登記機關備案。如因出賣的責任,買受人不能在規(guī)定期限內(nèi)取得房地產(chǎn)權屬證書的,雙方同意按下列第 項處理;

1.買受人退房,出賣人在買受人提出退房要求之日起 日內(nèi)將買受人已付房價款退還給買受人,并按已付房價款的


 第八條  買受人的房屋僅作住宅使用,買受人使用期間不得擅自改變該房屋的建筑主體結構、承重結構和用途。除本合同及其附件另有規(guī)定者外,買受人在使用期間有權與其他權利人共同享用與該房屋有關聯(lián)的公共部位和設施,并按占地和公共部位與公用房屋分攤面積承擔義務。


 第九條  本合同在履行過程中發(fā)生的爭議,由雙方當事人協(xié)商解決;協(xié)商不成的,按下述第 種方式解決:

1.提交 仲裁委員會仲裁。


 第十條 本合同未盡事項,可由雙方約定后簽訂補充協(xié)議。

第十一條 合同附件與本合同具有同等法律效力。本合同及其附件內(nèi),空格部分填寫的文字與印刷文字具有同等效力。

 第十二條 本合同連同附件共 頁,一式二份,具有同等法律效力,合同持有的情況如下:


 第十三條 本合同自雙方簽訂之日起生效。自本合同生效之日起30天內(nèi),由出賣人申請登記備案。





簽于年      簽于  




[ myself]【legal representative】 name:

id card】【 passport】 【business license registration number】【  】address:zip code: telephone:

entrusted agent】【  】name: nationality: address:zip code: telephone:

according to the《peoples republic of china law of contract》, 《peoples

republic of china city real estate control law》 and  other relevant  laws

and regulations,the vendee and seller should be base on the equality,

voluntarily, consults unanimously foundation to reach the following

article 1project construction basis  【contract number for granting of land-use right 】【document number for

allowing and  authorizing of land-use right】【document number for transferring

above land parcel, 【present name】,【 temporary name 】, the builder’s permit

licence number is

 article 2residential basis.

advance】,the total

total area is ,the buyer has already purchased

of presale fund specified account is ,


room number is bases on the appendix 1 details )which stipulated in the first

article of the contract is:

tents】()specific house number is

_㎡,there are ㎡,__㎡.

 the balcony of this apartment is [sealed] or [not sealed].

as [stipulated on contract]

or [property registration]. the usable area ㎡, with public area to be

( refer to the attachment2 for public area to be shared

construction explanation )

 article 4 valuation mode & price /㎡according to the usable area, the unit price of this apartment  /㎡according to the usable area, the unit price of this apartment /㎡should subject to the related regulation of [opinions on the

from yantai residential administration bureau. the buyer transfer the capital to

the designated bank directly, the seller cannot get the presale capital directly.


 article 5 area confirmation& difference treatment

according to the valuation mode which interested parties choosed, this article

stipulates the area confirmation&difference treatment according to [building

area][usable area]( hereinafter called area for short).

this article does not apply to the interested parties which charge the apartment

by set.

the property registration area will be subject to the surveying and drawing

report issued by qualified mapping unit designated by residential

administration dept.

for any differences in contracted area& registration area, the registration area

will be taken as the standard.

after the apartment is transferred to the buyer, for any differences in contracted

area& registration area, which was not stipulated in the contract, both parties

will agree to manage according to the following principle: charge as per actual

area, return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage on the

prepaid capital.

1.if the absolute value difference is within 3%( include 3%), the charge will be

according to actual amount.

1.if the absolute value difference is exceeds 3%( include 3%), the buyer has

rights to cancel the order.

for the buyer who cancel the order, the seller must return the money to buyer

within 30days after buyer make the order cancel application, and pay the

for the buyer who will not cancel the order, if the registration areas is within3%(including 3%) bigger than contracted area, the exceeded amount shoud be

supplemented by the buyer; for the case which is more than 3%, the exceeded

amount should be born by the seller, the property rights belongs to the buyer. if

the registration areas is smaller than contracted area, the area ratio is within

3%((including 3%), the exceeded amount must be returned to the buyer; the

amount which are more than 3% must be doubled and return to the buyer. this

article is not applicable.

area tolerance ratio=( registration areas- contracted area)/ contracted

areax100%. this article is not applicable.

of contract.

 article6 payment& deadline

nd1. full payment

2. installment payment


 article7 the breach of contract responsibility for overdue payment

if the buyer cannot effect the payment in the stipulated time, he or she will be

ndnd due payment date to the

actual payment date, the buyer should pay to the fine

according to the overdue date, the contract will continue to be performed.

2) if the overdue date is exceeds__days, the buyer has the rights to terminate

the contract. if so, the buyer should pay to the fine

according to the overdue date, the contract will continue to be performed, from

the 2nd due payment date to the actual payment date, the buyer should pay to

to the overdue date.

the overdue payment in this article refers to the balance between 6th article

due payment and acutal effected payment; for installment payment, it should

be decided by the balance between due istallment and actual payment.

article8 handover deadline

5. _____________________________________________________________________-

but in case of the following exceptional reasons, except for both parties agree the termination or alternation of contract, the seller can prolong the deadline as per actual fact.

1. encountered with majeure, and seller informed the buyer within 30 days after the majeure occurs;

2. the seller caused the project cannot be finished on time because of non-controllable reasons.

3.  if the delay is because of the above cases, this article is also applicable.

article9 responsibility of delay in handover apartment

except for the special cases stipulated in article8,  if the seller cannot handover the apartment to buyer in the stipulated schedule in this contract, the buyer should be treated in the following 1st&2nd mode:

1. according to the overdue time, the seller should be treated separately( not

be accumulated)

1) for overdue date less days, from the 2nd day of deadline

stipulated in article8 to the payment day, the buyer should pay _____% default fine of the already effected payment, this contract will be performed continuously.

2) for overdue date more days, the buyer can terminate the

contract. in this case, the seller should return all the payment within 30days after the date of termination, and pay __2___% default fine of the already effected payment. if the buyer request continuously perform the contract, this contract will be performed continuously. from the 2nd day of deadline stipulated in article8 to the payment day, the rates in 1) )of the already effected payment



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