發(fā)起人:eging  回復數:1  瀏覽數:13953  最后更新:2022/9/28 5:37:08 by nihaota

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eging 發(fā)表于 2017/10/13 8:41:28
      上海的字面意思是指“海上之埠”,簡稱“滬”,別稱“申”。上海面積為 6340 平方公里 , 占全國總面積的 0.06%,屬沖積平原,地勢平坦,平均海拔高度為 4 米,最高點大金山海拔103.4,常住居民達1700萬。這是世界上最大的海港城市之一,也是中國最大的工業(yè)、商業(yè)、金融、航運中心之一。

  Shanghai is literally named as “a port on the sea”. For historical reasons, this city has acquired two additional names for short, “Hu” and “Shen”. Shanghai occupies a soil deposit plain land of 6,340 altitude of 4 meters above sea level, the 103.4 meter Dajinshan being the summit of this land. About 17 million people register as the city’s permanent residents. Shanghai is one of the world’s largest seaports and among China’s biggest industrial, commercial, financial and shipping centers.

  這里有著世界上最快的陸地交通工具——磁懸浮列車和亞洲最高的高塔——東方明珠塔,它們標志著上海的速度和高度。隨著經濟改革的日益深化,這座昔日被譽為遠東金融、經濟和貿易中心的城市正在為促進長江三角洲的經濟發(fā)展起著龍頭作用。與此同時,上海以她獨特的風韻吸引著數百萬計的海內外游客。作為一座國際大都市,上海的國際航班可直達 世界上 60 多座城市。

  Here you will see the world’s fastest means of land transportation, the maglev train, and the tallest tower in Asia, the Oriental Pearl Tower, marking metaphorically the speed and height of Shanghai. With its deepening economic reform, this city, formerly crowned as the financial, economic and trade hub of the Far East, is playing a leading role in boosting economic development in the Yangtze River Delta. Meanwhile, Shanghai has attracted millions of Chinese and overseas tourists with its unique charm. As an international metropolis, Shanghai provides direct flights to more than 60 cities in the world.
nihaota 發(fā)表于 2022/9/28 5:37:10

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