發(fā)起人:eging2  回復數(shù):1  瀏覽數(shù):6453  最后更新:2022/9/28 5:00:54 by nihaota

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2015/9/18 13:44:49

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1. What can do for you?



        2.May I help you?


        8.Please take a seat!

        please sit down!


        4.Wait a moment, please.


        5.Sorry to have kept you waiting.


        6.It is not serious.


        7.Don't worry.

        There is nothing to worry about.


        8.You need a thorough examination.


        9.You will have to stay in hospital for sevral days.


        We think that you had better be hospitalized


        10. You should stay in bed for a few days.


        11. You can keep on working.

        You can carry on with your work.


        12. You should be very careful for a week or two


        13. Try to relax and keep calm.


        14. You'll soon be all right.


        15. 1'm sure this medicine will help you a great deal.


        16. Feeling well again is a rather slow process,I'm afraid.


        17. You will have to wait for twenty minutes.


        18.Complete recovery will take a rather long time.


        19. You will have to come here for periodical check-ups.


        20. If you feel worse, please come back to the clinic right away.


        21.If you feel worried, don't hesitate to go to the clinic anytime, day or night.


        22.I'll come right away.


        23.I'm going to make arrangements for your admission.


        24.Please come with your interpreter next time.


        25. Do you understand what I'm saying?


        26.Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?


        27. Shall I explain it again?


        28.If the trouble persists come back again.


        29. There doesn't seem to be anything serious, but we'11 take an x-ray just to be certain.


        30. Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood test).


        31. It's difficult to say just now exactly what's wrong.


        32. This is quite common among people of your age.


        This often happens to people of your age.


        This often occurs at your age.


        33. This kind of illness usually occurs among people whose work requires a lot of concentration(who undergo a lot of stress).


        34.I suggest you do some light exercises.


        I suggest you have a course of acupuncture.


        I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment.


        I suggest that you take Chinese herbs.


        35.I would like to transfer you to the gynecology (surgery,dermatology, urology department。


        36. Your WBC(RBC, hemoglobin,urine stool,sputum) should be checked.


        37. A smear should be taken.


        A culture should be done.


        38. Please don't eat anything tomorrow morning before blood test.


        39. Please wait for the result of your hemoglobin test.


        40. What's your trouble?


        41. How long have you been feeling unwell?


        42. What medicine did you take?


        43.Have you taken any medicine?


        44.Did you take your temperature?


        45.Do you smoke (drink)?


        46. Have you any temperature (a cough, a bed headach)?


        47.Have your ever had jaundice (low grade fever,any chronic ailments, cold sweats at night, attacks of asthma)?


        48.Do you sufer from heartburn stomachaches (loose bowel movements,chest pains)?


        49. Do your want to have your tooth extracted (tooth filled, dressing changed,blood pressure checked?


        50.Let me examine you please.


        51.Please take off your shoes and lie down.


        52,Please unbutton your shirt and loosen your belt.


        53.Please take off your trousers.


        54. Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side)。


        55.Please bend your knees.


        56.pleare relax.


        57. Please breathe deeply(normally).


        58. Please stick Out your tongue.


        59.Please let me feel your pulse.


        60.Let me take your blood pressure


        61.Pleas,lift your left leg(right leg)


        62. Please open your mouth and say "Ah".


        63. It is normal(essentially normal).


        64.Have you ever received any treatment before?


        65. Has it gotten worse?


        66.Has it happened before?


        67. Are you feeling better?


        68.Is the pain gentting less?


        69. Does it still hurt?


        70.How long have you had this pain?


        71. What kind of pain is it?


        72. Please tell me something of your past illnesses.


        73. Is there any blood in your stool(urine,sputum)?



        摘自 陳淑堅主編《醫(yī)院會話》

        Registration and Work in the Office掛號及辦公室工作



        Nurse:Do you want to see a doctor? 你要看病嗎?

        Patent: Yes, where shall I register? 是的,在哪兒掛號?

        N: Here, have you been here before? 這兒,你從前來過嗎?

        P:Yes,a year age./NO,this is my first visit.是的,一年前來過./沒有,這是第一次來.

        N:Have you a registration card? 你有掛號證嗎?

        P:Yes here it is./NO,I forgot to bring it. 有,在這兒呢./ 沒有,我忘記帶了.

        N: Do you remember your card number? 你記得你的掛號證號碼嗎?

        P: Yes, it is C dash one,five, zero, eight, four, three./No.I can't remember it.

        記得,是 C-150843./不記得了.


        N: When did you come last? 上次你什么時侯來的?

        P: About a week age. 大約在一周以前.

        N: Then I'11 find out for you. 那么,我給你查查.

        Are you working in the Embassy? 你在大使館工作嗎?

        P:Yes I'll be here for three to five years. 是的,我要在這兒呆三至五年.

        I'm a teacher at… 我是…的教師.

        N: Pleas show me your identity card (diplomati certificate,experts certificate, passport). 請出示你的身份證(外交官證、專家證、護照)。


        P: I'm a tourist. 我是一個旅游者.

        N:How long do you intend to stay here? 你準備在這里呆多久?

        P: About one week. 大約一周。

        Till the end of this year. 到今年年底。

        I'm leaving tomorrow morning. 我明天早晨就走。

        N: I'll make a file (record) for you. 我要給你做一份病歷.

        Please write down your full name in block letters. 請用印刷體寫上你的全名.


        How old are you? 你的年齡?

        When were you born? 你是哪年生的?

        P:I was burn on the fifteenth of February nineteen fifty two.


        N:What is your position in the Embassy? 你在大使館做什么工作?

        P: I'm the ambassador (minister, chargé d'affaires,counsellor,first secretary,

        second secretary,third secretary,Attaché,staff,secretary-archivist,military

        attaché). 我是大使(公使,代辦,參贊,一等秘書,二等秘書,三等秘書,隨員,職員,檔案秘書,武官隨員).

        N:What is your woek here? 你在這里做什么工作

        P: I'm a delegate (businessman,engineer,teacher,artist,musician,retired worker,pilot

        housewife). 我是代表團團員(商人,工程師,教師,藝術家,音樂工作者,退休工人,飛機駕駛員,主婦).


        N: Are you married or single? 你結(jié)婚了,還是獨身?

        P: Yes, I'm married. 是的,我結(jié)婚了. NO, I'm single. 沒有,還是獨身.

        I'm divorced. 離婚了。

        N: What's your address, pleas. 請告訴我你的住址。

        P: I live in … hotel(…Embassy,…building …block…number).


        N: Your telephone number,please. 請告訴我你的電話.

        P:five,two,two,one,three.Extension one five six. 522133,分機156.

        N: Is your baby a boy or a girl? 你的孩子是男孩還是女孩?

        Who is your host? 誰接待你?

        P: I am a delegate of… delegation. 我是??? ???代表團的團員。

        N: who is paying? 誰替你付款?

        Can you charge it to your organization? 你能在你的單位報銷嗎?

        Will they reimburse you? 他們給你報銷嗎?

        P: I pay for myself. 我自己付款(我自費)。

        I think they will reimburs me. 我想他們會給我報銷。

        I think they will give me the money back. 我想他們會把錢還給我的.

        N: Please pay fou the registration. 請交掛號費。

        P: How.muth? 多少錢?

        N:Here is your receipt and change. 這是收據(jù)和找回的錢.

        Have you any small change? 你有零錢嗎?

        This is your registration card. Please don't lose it and bring it whenever you come.


        P: Yes, I will. 好,照辦.


        N: What's wrong with you today? 你今天哪里不舒服?

        Which department do you want to register with? 你要掛哪科的號?

        P: I want to see a physician(an internist, surgeon, obstetrician,gynaecologist, pediatrician, neurologist, dermatologist, oculist E.N.T.specialist, traditional medicine doctor, allergist, urologist, orthopedist,dentist,endocrinologlst).


        P: I don't know which clinic. I have a rash all over my body.It It ches badly.


        N: I think you should see a dermatoloist first.If necessary we'll transfer you to the physician. 我想你應當先看皮膚科大夫.需要的話再轉(zhuǎn)內(nèi)科.


        N:I will make a file / record for you.

        P:Thank you.

        N:This is your registration card. Please don`t lose it and bring it whenever you come.

        P:Yes, I will. But can you tell me how to get to the Consulting Room診療室?

        N:Go down this road until you come to the drugstore. Make a left turn and it is just there.


        Parent: My daughter has had diarrhea since yesterday and keeps on vomiting. I would like her to see a pediatrician.

        N: Please take her temperature under her arm. 請給她試試腋溫.

        We would like have her stool examined.Will you please give us a specimen?


        Parent: Yes, I'11 try./No, Idon't think she can pass any stool just now,but have brought her diaper with me, maybe you can get some from the diaper.可以,我試試看./ 不行,我想她現(xiàn)在便不出來.但是我已經(jīng)把她的尿布帶來了,或者你們可以從尿布上取點大便.


        P: I would like to see a dentist. 我想見一位牙科醫(yī)生。

        N: For a filling? a denture? or a cleaning? 補牙?鑲牙(做假牙),還是洗牙(潔齒)?

        P: I want to have a denture fitted (my teeth cleansed), please make an appointment for me. 我要鑲牙(潔齒),請給我約個時間.

        N: OK! Next Wednesday, do you prefer 8 o'clock or 10 o'clock?


        P: Ten o'clock suits me better. 十點鐘對我更合適。

        N:Please come with me. 請隨我來.

        P: How long must I wait? 我還需要等多久?

        N: Your turn is next. 下一個就輪到你了.

        There are two more patients before you. 在你前面還有兩個病人.

        It's your turn now. 該你看病了.

        The patient before you is a rather complicated case. I'm sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour. 你前面那個病人情況較復雜。對不起,你至少還得等半個小時.


        P: I would like to have a check-up for a driving licence (swiming pass).


        N: You need to have your eyes, ears and blood pressure checkd.You need to have a fluoroscopy done. 你需要檢查一下眼睛、耳朵和血壓. 你需要做透視檢查。

        P:The doctor needs my weight,pleas weigh me. 醫(yī)生要我的體重,請給我量一下.

        N: Please bring a photograph of yourself,we have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.



        P:The doctor suggested I have a series of gastro-intestinal tests made. What shall I do? 醫(yī)生建議我做個胃腸造影。我該怎樣做呢?

        N: I'll make an appointment for you at once.Come next Friday morning at 8 o'clock.

        Please don't eat or drink any thing after midnight.


        P: Not even water? 水也不行嗎?

        N: A sip of water is all right. 小口水還是可以的.

        P: Where can I get the certificate stamped? 我這證明在哪兒蓋章呢?

        N: Right here.I'11 do it for you. 就在這兒。我來給你蓋.


        P: If it is an emergency case,we can come at any time,can't we ?or should we phone first? 如果病情危重,我們隨時都可以來,是嗎?還要先打個電話不?

        N: If you have the time better notify us befor you come.假如有時間,最好來之前打個電話. Have you had your lungs x-raged this year? 這一年內(nèi)你照過胸部X線片嗎?

        P : When can I get the result? 我什么時候能知道檢查結(jié)果?

        N: Right away. 馬上就可以. in two days. 兩天以后。 Next Monday. 下星期一

        P: May I ask our interpreter to phone for the result?可以請我們翻譯打電話問結(jié)果嗎?

        N: Yes you may. You can have all the results next Monday when you come to see the doctor.

        是的,可以。 你下星期一看病的時候,所有的結(jié)果都會出來的。


        P: The paper for the driving licence need my height. 駕駛執(zhí)照上要有我的身高.

        N: DO you know your height in centimeters? 你知道你身高多少厘米嗎。

        P: No I don't know.I measure five feet eleven inches.


        N: OK!I'11 calculate it for you.That's one hundred and seventy-seven point five centimeters. 好,我替你算算.這就是 177.5厘米.

        lf the patient is too weak, we can do home visit. Our doctor and nurse can go to the patient's home by our ambulance. In case the patient needs to be hospitalized, we shall bring him(her) back. 假如病人太弱,我們可以出診.我們的醫(yī)生和護土可以乘我們的救護車到病人家去。假如病人需要住院,我們就把他(她)帶回醫(yī)院來.

        I'11 take some blood from your arm. Please take off your coat and roll up your sleeve.


        I'11 take some blood from your ear. Please take off your ear ring.


        Your veins don't stand out very clearly.I'11 try to do it care. Be patient. Please clench your fist. 你的靜脈不明顯,我需要仔細找找。請耐心些.請你握拳.

        Pleas open your hand.Press it with this bit of cotton wool for a while.



        I'll do a skin test first to see if you have any sensitivity.


        Since you are sensitive to the anti-tetanus serum, we will have to give it to youin fonr doses,at an interval of twenty minutes.


        P: How often should I have the injection? 這針多久注射一次?

        N: Once a day(twice a day). 每天一次(每天兩次).

        P: Where do you give it? 在哪個部位注射呢?

        N: In the buttocks(in the arm). 在臀部(在手臂上).

        P: I discovered a lump on my buttock yesterday. What shall I do?


        N: Let me have a look. Better put hot towels on it. Two times a day for fifteen minutes, If It doesn't get better, we'11 try ghysiotherapy.




        Asking a patient about his illness


        Any vomiting?

        Are you feeling all right?

        Are you feeling well?

        Are you feeling nausea?


        Have you had this experience before?

        Have you got any chronic diseases in the past?

        Have you got any feeling of nausea?

        Have you lost weight recently?

        Have you taken anything for it?

        Are your bowels acting properly?

        Are your bowels regular?


        Did you have pains here before?

        Do you cough?

        Do you feel short of breath sometimes?

        Do you feel short-winded?

        Do you feel tired?

        Do you have any appetite?

        Do you have difficulty breathing?

        Does it hurt?


        How about your appetite?

        How bad is it?

        How far pregnant are you?

        How long has it been this way?

        How long has this been going on?

        How long have you been ill?

        How long have you been like this?

        How long have you had it?

        How long have you had this trouble?


        How are you feeling now?

        How is your rheumatism?

        How is your sleep?


        Is the cut still painful?

        Since when have you been feeling like this?


        What did you eat yesterday?

        What sort of pain do you get there?

        What’s wrong with your ear?

        What’s your appetite like?

        What do you complain of?

        What’s your complaint?

        What hurts you?

        What’s the trouble?

        What’s troubling you?

        What’s your trouble?

        What’s the matter with you?

        What’s wrong with you?

        What’s bothering you?

        What seems to be bothering you?


        What seems to be the matter?

        What seems to be the problem?

        What seems to be the trouble?

        When did the pain start?

        When did you begin feeling unwell?

        Which tooth is troubling you?

        Why is that?

        Your case record, please.

        You’re suffering from an allergy?


        體檢Examining a patient


        A blood test is necessary.

        Any pain here?

        Breathe deeper, please.

        Cough. Now again.

        Do you have any pain here?

        Does it hurt here?

        Does it hurt when I press here?

        Does it hurt when I touch it here?

        Go and have your chest X-rayed.

        How does it feel?

        I think we’d better give you a few tests.

        I’ll have your temperature taken.

        I’m going to take a throat culture so we’ll know for sure.


        Let me check your lungs and heart.

        Let me examine your stomach.

        Let me feel you pulse.

        Let me listen to your heart and lungs.

        Let me sound your lungs.

        Let me take your blood pressure.


        May I take your blood pressure?’

        Lie down on the couch there. Let me examine your belly.

        Now breathe in. A deep breath.

        Now let me just see.

        Now slip off your coat and shirt, please.

        Open your mouth and say “Ah”.

        Open your mouth please, and show me your tongue.

        Please go and take a stool test.

        Put this thermometer under your tongue.

        Roll your sleeves up.

        Show me where it hurts.

        Slip your shoes off and hop up on the bed.


        Strip to your waist, please.

        Take a breath, please.

        Take your blood count first, please.

        The gums are swollen.

        There’s some respiratory murmur in your heart.

        Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your lungs.

        Well, I’d better take your blood pressure.

        Well, let’s see.

        Well, let’s take an X-ray of your chest.

        You must have an electrocardiograph examination.

        Your blood pressure is normal.

        Your pulse is a bit fast.

        Your tongue’s rather coated.

        Your tongue’s thickly furred.

        You’re to have a blood test.

        You’ve got a faint murmur of the heart.


        診斷和治療Diagnosing and treating


        A slight infection.

        An operation is needed to remove your tonsils.

        By the look of it, it should be a rash.

        By the sound of it, it’s bronchitis.


        I don’t think it’s anything serious.

        I should say you’ve caught cold.

        I should think you’ve got the flu.

        I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first.

        If your recovery goes on like this, you can leave in three days.

        I’ll give you an injection first.

        I’ll give you a shot, I’m afraid.

        I’m afraid an urgent operation is necessary.

        I’m afraid you’ll have to be operated on for appendicitis.


        It could be a case of TB.

        It looks as if it’s scarlet fever.

        It looks like measles.

        It sounds as if you’ve caught cold.

        It sounds like bronchitis.

        It’s an acute case.

        It’s inflammation of the skin.

        It’s not so serious as it seems.

        It’s nothing but a little infection in the finger tip.

        It’s nothing serious, but you’d better stay in bed.


        Let me give you a needle to numb the tooth.

        Nothing serious.

        The tooth will have to be taken out.

        The X-ray shows a fractured ankle.

        There’s a bad virus going around here and that’s probably what it is.

        There’s a marked improvement in your condition.

        There’s nothing to be alarmed about.

        The infection may lead to respiratory complications.

        Well, it could be a simple sprain. But I think to be on the safe side, we ought to have it X-rayed.


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2022/9/28 5:00:56

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