發(fā)起人:eging  回復數:0  瀏覽數:6641  最后更新:2020/3/28 9:31:08 by eging

發(fā)表新帖  帖子排序:
2020/3/28 9:31:10

角  色:普通會員
發(fā) 帖 數:3730

    誤譯:Some economists applied the mathematical concept of the turning point to economics.

    正譯:Some economists applied the mathematical concept of the inflection point to economics.

    解釋:turning point 具有“轉折點”的意思,不可用作數學術語取代 inflection point,作“拐點”解。
    “拐點”的第一個意思是“曲線上凸與下凹的分界點”,為高等數學術語。英語可以譯為inflection point。例如:

    1. 在這本書里,作者描述了拐點的數學概念,并將其用于商業(yè)策略。In this book, the author describes the mathematical concept of the inflection point and applies it to business strategy.

    “拐點”第二個意思是“某種數值持續(xù)向高后轉低或者持續(xù)向低后轉高的轉折點”。英語可以譯為inflection point 。例如:

    2. 當農村的剩余勞動力被工業(yè)部門吸取殆盡,就會出現(xiàn)“劉易斯拐點”。When the rural surplus labour force is totally absorbed by the industry sector, there will appear the Louise inflection point.

    “拐點”第三個意思是“市場運行中由高價位開始下跌或由低價位開始上升的轉折”。英語可以譯為inflection point。例如:
    3. 有些學者認為樓市拐點即將來臨。Some scholars believe that the inflection point is imminent in the real estate market.
    “拐點”第四個意思是“事物發(fā)展過程中運行趨勢或運行速率的變化”。英語可以譯為 turn。例如:
    4. 企業(yè)越來越擔憂信貸市場將會出現(xiàn)拐點。Enterprises have shown growing concerns about a turn in the credit markets.
    “拐點”第五個意思是“轉折點”。英語可以譯為 turning point。例如:
    5. 他在18歲考入北京大學,這是他人生的拐點。He was admitted to Peking University at the age of 18, which was a turning point in his life.

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