沒事愛憂天的“杞人” worry wart
發(fā)起人:eging  回復(fù)數(shù):0  瀏覽數(shù):4971  最后更新:2019/7/30 23:08:45 by eging

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2019/7/30 23:08:54

角  色:普通會(huì)員
發(fā) 帖 數(shù):3730
沒事愛憂天的“杞人” worry wart

    Some people can be especially neurotic or nervous by nature, living out their lives in a state of excessive worry. These obsessive concerns may either be global or amazingly minor in scope. Such a person is often said to be a worry wart, also rendered as worrywart or worry-wart in some literary references. A worry wart's fears are generally viewed by others as irrational or completely out of proportion to the actual situation.

    有些人可能天生就特別神經(jīng)質(zhì)或者緊張,成天生活在極度憂慮中。這些過度的擔(dān)憂可能是宏觀的大事也可能是芝麻小事。這種極度憂慮的人就被稱為是“杞人憂天”(拼寫為worry wart、worrywart或worry-wart都可以)。他們這些人的擔(dān)憂通常會(huì)被別人看作自尋煩惱或者跟現(xiàn)實(shí)情況完全不符。

    A worry wart in an office environment, for example, may spend most of his or her time fretting over getting laid off or fired. While the actual chances of a worry wart actually becoming unemployed may be remote at best, a neurotic employee often seeks out advice from co-workers on how to handle his or her inevitable dismissal. Others may worry excessively about job performance or customer complaints or minor conflicts with their superiors.


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