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中醫(yī)骨傷科 orthopedics and traumatology of TCM
骨折 fracture
脫位 dislocation
筋傷 injury of muscle and tendon
損傷內(nèi)證 internal traumatic syndrome
骨先天性畸形 congenital bone malformation
骨癰疽 Carbuncle of the bone(pyogenic infection of the bone and joint)
骨/關(guān)節(jié)結(jié)核 Tuberculosis of the bone and joint
骨關(guān)節(jié)痹癥 osteoarticular Bi-syndrome
骨關(guān)節(jié)退行性疾病 osteoarticular degenerative disease
骨軟骨病 osteochondrosis
關(guān)節(jié)軟骨 articular cartilage
代謝性骨病 Metabolic osteopathy
骨腫瘤 bone tumor
病因病機 Etiology and Pathogenesis
慢性勞損 chronic strain
肌肉強力牽拉 Forced myotasis
密質(zhì)骨/松質(zhì)骨 compact bone and spongy bone
成角移位 angulation displacement
側(cè)方移位 lateral displacement
縮短移位 shortened displacement
分離移位 separation displacement
旋轉(zhuǎn)移位 rotation displacement
閉合 closed/open fracture
單純/復(fù)雜/不完全/完全骨折 simple/complicated/incomplete/complete fracture
橫斷/斜形/嵌插/壓縮/裂縫/青枝骨折 transverse/oblique/spiral/comminuted/ impacted/compression/fissured/greenstick fra
骨骺分離 epiphysiolysis
穩(wěn)定/不骨折 stable/unstable fracture
新鮮骨折/陳舊骨折 fresh/old fracture
外傷骨折 /病理骨折 traumatic /pathological fracture
骨髓炎,敗血癥 esteomyelitis hematosepsis
破裂 rupture
缺血性肌痙攣 ischemic muscular contracture
周圍神經(jīng)損傷 peripheral nerve injury
脂肪栓塞 fat embolism
墜積性肺炎 hypostatic pneumonia
褥瘡 bed sore
損傷性骨化(骨化性肌炎) traumatic ossification (ossifying myositis)
關(guān)節(jié)僵硬 ankylosis
缺血性骨壞死 ischemic osteonecrosis
遲發(fā)性畸形 delayed deformity
損傷性骨化 traumatic ossification
扭傷 sprain
挫傷 contusion
撕裂傷 laceration
斷裂傷 fragmentation
骨錯縫 transposition of bone
撕脫骨折 Avulsed fracture
神經(jīng)損傷 Nervous injury
骨化性肌炎 Ossifying myositis
關(guān)節(jié)內(nèi)游離體 intracapsular corpus liberum
老鼠骨 joint mouse
骨性關(guān)節(jié)炎 bony arthritis
關(guān)節(jié)軟骨面退行性病變 retrograde degeneration of articular cartilage surface
先天發(fā)育缺陷 congenital aplasia
聽骨擦音 bony crepitus is one of the special signs of fracture
聽入臼聲 the sound entering-the-cotyle click
聽筋傷聲 the sound of tendon injury
關(guān)節(jié)摩擦音 rub of joint
腱鞘炎及肌腱周圍炎摩擦音 rub in tenosynovitis and perimyotenositis
捻發(fā)聲 twirling a hair
關(guān)節(jié)彈響聲 snapping sound of joint
聽創(chuàng)傷皮下氣腫聲 listening to sound of traumatic subcutaneous emphysema
屈伸旋轉(zhuǎn) flex, extend, rotate,
健側(cè)/患側(cè) healthy/affected joint
量角器 protractor
中立位 neutral position
前屈 anteflexion
后伸 retroflexion
左右側(cè)屈 left or right retroflexion
左右旋轉(zhuǎn) left or right turn
外展內(nèi)收 abduction/adduction
內(nèi)旋/外旋 旋前(掌心向下)旋后(掌心向上) intorsion/extorsion Pronation(palm downward) supination(palm upward)
背伸掌屈橈偏尺偏 dorsoflexion / palmflexion radial deviation/ulnar deviation Neck/waist/shoulder/elbow/wrist/hip/kne
頭頂扣擊試驗 percussion test of the vertex
椎間孔壓縮試驗 compression test of intervertebral foramen
臂叢神經(jīng)牽拉試驗 traction test of brachial plexus
深呼吸試驗 deep respiratory test
挺胸試驗 test of throwing out chest
胸廓擠壓試驗 squeezing and pressing test of thorax
屈頸試驗 flexing test of neck
頸靜脈壓迫試驗 pressure test of jugular veins
直腿抬高試驗 raising test of the straightened leg
直腿抬高足背伸加強試驗 intensive raising of the straightened leg
股神經(jīng)牽拉試驗 traction test of femoral nerve
腰骶關(guān)節(jié)試驗 test of lumbosacral articulation
骨盆擠壓與分離試驗 pressure and separation test of pelvis
骶髂關(guān)節(jié)分離試驗 separation test of sacro-illiac joint
搭肩試驗 test of putting hand over shoulder
直尺試驗 straightedge test
肩關(guān)節(jié)疼痛弧試驗 test of pain arc of shoulder
岡上肌腱斷裂試驗 rupture test of supraspinatus tendon
肱二頭肌腱抗阻試驗 test of resisitence of tendon of brachial biceps
肘三角 Cubital trangle
腕伸肌緊張試驗 tension test of carpal extensors
握拳尺偏試驗 test of ulnar deviation in clenching fist
腕三角軟骨擠壓試驗 crush test of cartilage in carpal triangle
髖關(guān)節(jié)屈曲攣縮試驗 test of flexing contracture of hip joint
髖關(guān)節(jié)過伸試驗 test of hyperextension of hip joint
單腿獨立試驗 test of standing on single leg
下肢短縮試驗 test of shortened leg
望遠鏡試驗 telescope test
蛙式試驗 test of frog posture
股骨頭大粗隆位置的測量 measurement of position of greater tuberosity of head of femur
浮髕試驗 floating patella test
膝關(guān)節(jié)側(cè)向試驗 test of sideways movement of knee joint
抽屜試驗 drawer test
挺髕試驗 test of traction of patella
回旋擠壓試驗 rotating and squeezing test
研磨提拉試驗 triturating and pulling test
足內(nèi)、外翻試驗 test of twisting ankle inward and outward
內(nèi)治法 internal therapy
攻下逐淤法 eliminating stasis by purging
行氣活血法 activating qi and promoting blood circulation
清熱涼血法 clearing away heat and cooling blood
和營止痛法 harmonizing the nutrient qi to alleviate pain
接骨續(xù)筋法 reuniting bone and muscle and ligament
舒筋活絡(luò)法 relaxing tendons and activating collaterals
補氣養(yǎng)血法 replenishing qi and nourishing blood
補養(yǎng)脾胃法 strengthening the spleen and stomach
補益肝腎法 tonifying the liver and kidney
溫經(jīng)通絡(luò)法 warming meridians and activating collaterals
外治法 external therapy
外用藥 topically applied medicine
敷貼藥 dressing medicine
藥膏 herbal paste
膏藥 herbal plaster
藥散 herbal powder
搽擦藥 smearing and rubbing medicine
酒劑 tincture
油劑 oil agent
油膏 ointment
濕敷藥 wet-packing medicine
熏洗藥 fumigating and bathing medicine
熱熨藥 hot compress medicine
簡單熱熨藥 simple hot compress medicine
熨藥 compress medicine
坎離砂 Kanli sands
手法 manipulation
正骨基礎(chǔ)手法 basic manipulations in bone-setting
拔伸牽引 pulling traction
旋轉(zhuǎn) rotation
折頂 bending and apposing
回旋 turning back
端提 holding and lifting
捺正 pressing reposition
分骨 bone-separation
屈伸 flexion and extension
縱壓 longitudinal pressure
理筋基礎(chǔ)手法 basic manipulations in tendon-smoothing
輕度按摩手法 gentle massage
深度按摩手法 deep massage
揉法 kneading manipulation
拔絡(luò)法 poking tendon
擦法 scrubbing manipulation
滾法 rolling manipulation
擊打法 striking manipulation
拿捏法 grasping and pinching manipulation
點穴法 acupoint-pressing method
屈伸法 flexion and extension
旋轉(zhuǎn)搖晃法 rotation and swaying
腰部背伸法 dorsiflexion of waist
按壓與踩蹺法 pressing and stamping manipulation
抖法 shaking manipulation
搓法 rubbing manipulation
固定法 fixation
夾板固定 splintage
夾板 splint
托板 supporting board
支架 stand
襯墊外套 lining pad and coat
壓墊 pad for pressing
壓墊的類型 types of pad
平墊 flat pad
塔形墊 pagoda-like pad
梯形墊 ladder-like pad
高低墊 uneven pad
抱骨墊 bone-holding pad
葫蘆墊 calabash-like pad
橫墊 transverse pad
合骨墊 bone-joining pad
分骨墊 bone-separating pad
石膏固定 plaster fixation
持續(xù)牽引 continuous traction
皮膚牽引 skin traction
布托牽引 traction with cloth band
枕頜牽引 occipitomandibular traction
骨盆兜懸吊固定 suspension fixation with pelvic bag
骨盆牽引 pelvic traction
骨牽引 skeletal traction
顱骨牽引 skull traction
四肢骨牽引 limb traction
手術(shù)療法 operative therapy
功能鍛煉 functional exercise
前屈后伸 antiflexion and retroextension
左右側(cè)屈 left and right flexion
左右回旋 left and right circle rotation
拱橋式 arch-bridge-like exercise
飛燕式 flying-swallow-like exercise
彎腰劃圈 bending waist and drawling circle
內(nèi)外運旋 inward and outward rotation
上肢回環(huán) upper limb rotation
手指爬墻 finger climbing wall
箭步云手 hand waving on bow step
肘部屈伸 flexion and extension of elbow
手拉滑車 hand pulling pulley
前臂旋轉(zhuǎn) rotating foream
抓空握拳 grasping about and palmar flexion
背伸掌屈 dorsal extension and palmar flexion
手滾圓球 finger trunding balls
舉屈蹬腿 kicking with heel
旋轉(zhuǎn)搖膝 rotating knee
踝部伸屈 extension and flexion of ankle
足踝旋轉(zhuǎn) rotating ankle
搓滾舒筋 rubbing and rolling
蹬車活動 pedaling exercise
以身帶腿 moving body to drive leg
各論 specific discussions
骨折 fracture
鎖骨骨折 clavicular fracture
肱骨干骨折 fracture of humeral shaft
肱骨髁上骨折 supracondylar fracture of humerus
橈、尺骨干雙骨折 fracture of shafts of radius and ulna
橈骨下端骨折 fracture of distal end of radius
股骨頸骨折 fracture of neck of femur
股骨轉(zhuǎn)子間骨折 interochanteric fracture
股骨干骨折 fracture of femoral shaft
髕骨骨折 fracture of patella
脛、腓骨干骨折 fracture of shafts of tibia and fibula
踝部骨折 fracture of malleolus
肋骨骨折 fracture of rib
胸、腰椎壓縮性骨折 compression fracture of thoracolumbar vertebrae
脫位 dislocation
顳下頜關(guān)節(jié)脫位 dislocation of temporomandibular joint
肩關(guān)節(jié)脫位 dislocation of shoulder joint
肘關(guān)節(jié)脫位 dislocation of elbow joint
小兒橈骨頭半脫位 infantile subluxation of head of radius
掌指關(guān)節(jié)脫位 dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint
筋傷 jnjury of muscles and tendons
肩關(guān)節(jié)周圍炎 scapulohumeral periarthritis
肱骨外上髁炎 lateral humeral epicondylitis
腱鞘囊腫 thecal cyst
橈骨莖突腱鞘炎 tenosynovitis of styloid process of radius
屈指肌腱腱鞘炎 tenosynovitis of flexor digitorum
膝關(guān)節(jié)側(cè)副韌帶損傷 injury of collateral ligament of knee joint
膝關(guān)節(jié)半月板損傷 meniscus injury of knee joint
髕骨勞損 strain of patella
跟痛癥 calcaneodynia
頸部扭挫傷 neck sprain and contusion
頸椎病 cervical spondylopathy
落枕 stiff neck
腰部扭挫傷 lumbar sprain and contusion
腰部勞損 lumbar strain
腰椎間盤突出癥 prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc
腰椎椎管狹窄癥 spinal canal stenosis of lumbar vertebrae
梨狀肌綜合征 piriform muscle syndrome
創(chuàng)傷性關(guān)節(jié)炎 traumatic arthritis
退行性關(guān)節(jié)炎 degenerative arthritis
痛風(fēng)性關(guān)節(jié)炎 gouty arthritis
脛骨結(jié)節(jié)骨骺炎 epiphysitis of tibial tuberosity
骨質(zhì)疏松 osteoporosis
股骨頭缺血性壞死 ischemic necrosis of femoral head
骨腫瘤 bone tumor
面色蒼白或萎黃 pale and sallow complexion
心悸怔忪 palpitation

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