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發(fā)表時間:2018/08/23 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):7354  
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望診 inspection
問診 inquiry
聽診 auscultation
扣診 percussion
觸診 palpation
活組織檢查 biopsy
病理切片 pathological section
內(nèi)窺鏡檢查 endoscopy
心電圖檢查 ECG(electrocardiogram) examination
腦電圖檢查 EEG(electrocardiogram) examination
靜脈腎盂造影術(shù) Intravenous pyelography
皮膚試驗 Skin-test
穿刺檢查 examination by centesis
血常規(guī)分析 routine analysis of blood
尿常規(guī)分析 urine analysis of blood
紅細胞計數(shù) red blood cell count(RBC)
白細胞計數(shù) white blood cell count(WBC)
全身檢查 general check-up
常規(guī)檢查 routine examination
隨訪檢查 follow-up examination
會診 consultation
急診 emergency
診斷 diagnosis
預(yù)后 prognosis
康復(fù) convalescence, recovery
復(fù)發(fā) relapse
治療 treatment
開藥方 prescribe
配藥 fill a prescription
打針 injecting
皮下注射 hypodermic injection
肌肉注射 intramuscular injection
靜脈注射 intravenous injection
預(yù)防注射 inoculating
點滴注射 fluid infusion
輸血 blood transfusion
劑量 dose
藥片 tablet
膠囊 capsule
藥水 liquid medicine
藥粉 powder
藥膏(軟膏) ointment
硬膏,石膏 plaster
洗劑 lotion
栓劑 suppository
止痛藥 analgesics
退燒藥 antipyetics
止咳藥 antitussive
祛痰藥 expectorant
利尿藥 diuretics
止血藥 hemostatic
止泄藥 antidiarrheal
止癢藥 antipruritic
解毒藥 antidote
抗風(fēng)濕藥 antirheumatic
抗癌藥 anticarcinogen
抗菌素 antibiotics
抗凝劑 anticoagulant
強心藥 cardiac tonic
血管舒張藥 vasodilator
血管收縮藥 vasoconstrictor
抗癲癇藥 antiepileptic
解痙藥 antispasmodic
鎮(zhèn)靜藥 sedative
麻醉藥 anesthetics
盤尼西林 penicillin
鏈霉素 streptomycin
慶大霉素 gentamycin
阿斯匹林 aspirin
嗎啡 morphine
度冷丁 dolantin
碘酒 iodine
蒸餾水 distilled water
生理食鹽水 normal saline solution
阿托品 atropine
激素 hormone
葡萄糖 glucose
副作用 side effect, adverse effect
手術(shù)療法 operative treatment
大手術(shù) major operation
小手術(shù) minor operation
麻醉 anesthesia
全身麻醉 general anesthesia
局部麻醉 local anesthesia
切除術(shù) excision, removal, resection
扁桃體切除術(shù) tonsillectomy
甲狀腺切除術(shù) thyroidectomy
肺切除術(shù) pneumonectomy
乳房切除術(shù) mastectomy
胃切除術(shù) gastrectomy
膽囊切除術(shù) cholecystectomy
肝葉切除術(shù) hepalobectomy
脾切除術(shù) splenectomy
腎切除術(shù) nephrectomy
輸卵管切除術(shù) salpingectomy
子宮切除術(shù) hysterectomy
子宮肌瘤切除術(shù) hysteromyomectomy
直腸切除術(shù) proctectomy
闌尾切除術(shù) appendectomy
前列腺切除術(shù) prostatectomy
氣管切開術(shù) tracheotomy
膿腫切開術(shù) incision of abscess
顱骨切開 craniotomy
胸廓切開 thoracotomy
剖腹術(shù) laparotomy
截肢 amputation
固定 fixation
熱敷 hot compress
冷敷 cold compress
洗胃 gastric lavage
灌腸 enema
導(dǎo)尿 urethral catheterication
止血 hemostasis
包扎 dressing
縫合切口 sew up the incision
拆線 remove the stitches
心臟按摩 cardiac massage
人工呼吸 artificial respiration
飲食 diet
特定飲食 special diet
低蛋白飲食 low protein diet
低脂肪飲食 low fat diet
低熱量飲食 low calorie diet
流質(zhì)飲食 liquid diet
半流質(zhì)飲食 semi-liquid diet
固體飲食 solid diet
易消化的飲食 light diet
素食 vegetable diet

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