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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2018/02/09 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):4538  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

[邊]緣層 marginal layer
[胚]極滋養(yǎng)層 polar trophoblast
[腎上腺]胎性皮質(zhì) fetal cortex, X-zone
[腎上腺]永久皮質(zhì) permanent cortex
[原]核融合 karyogamy,syngamy
[重]復(fù)足 duplication of foot
VACTERAL綜合征 vertebral and cardiac tracho-esophageal renal and limb syndrome, VACTERAL syndrome
阿-基氏腦畸形 Arnold-Chiari malformation
白化病 albinism
半脊椎 hemivertebra
半肢 hemimelia
瓣膜隆起 valve swelling
包蛻膜 decidua capsularis(拉)
胞衣 afterbirth
背唇 dorsal lip
背系膜 dorsal mesentery
背胰芽 dorsal pancreatic bud
背主動(dòng)脈 dorsal aorta
鼻[基]板 nasal placode
鼻腭管 nasopalatine canal
鼻孔閉鎖 atretorrhinia
鼻淚溝 nasolacrimal groove
鼻囊軟骨 nasal capsule cartilage
鼻窩 nasal pit
比較胚胎學(xué) comparative embryology
壁蛻膜 decidua parietalis(拉)
標(biāo)記基因 marker gene
并肢 synpodia
并指 syndactyly
并趾 syndactyly
不等聯(lián)體雙胎 unequal conjoined twins
不均等卵裂 unequal cleavage
不排卵 anovulation
不完全卵裂 incomplete cleavage, meroblastic cleavage
不轉(zhuǎn)位 nonrotation
殘肢 meromelia
藏毛囊腫 pilar cyst
側(cè)板中胚層 lateral plate mesoderm, lateral mesoderm
側(cè)唇 lateral lip
側(cè)褶 lateral fold
差別基因表達(dá) differential gene expression
差別基因決定 differential gene determination
腸閉鎖 intestinal atresia
腸系膜裂孔疝 mesenteric hiatal hernia
腸狹窄 intestinal stenosis
超[數(shù)]排卵 superovulation
超常增生 hyperplasia
成[神經(jīng)]膠質(zhì)細(xì)胞 glioblast,spongioblast
成胚細(xì)胞 embryoblast
成少突膠質(zhì)細(xì)胞 oligodendroblast
成神經(jīng)管細(xì)胞 medulloblast
成神經(jīng)細(xì)胞 neuroblast
成星形膠質(zhì)細(xì)胞 astrocytoblast
成血管層 angioderm
成血管細(xì)胞 angioblast
成血管組織 angioblastic tissue
成血細(xì)胞 hemocytoblast
成羊膜細(xì)胞 amnioblast, amniogenic cell
程序性細(xì)胞死亡 programmed cell death,cell death clock
遲緩受精 delayed fertilization
出生后發(fā)育 postnatal development
出生前發(fā)育 prenatal development,embryonic development
出生缺陷 birth defects
初發(fā)腭 primary palate
初級(jí)卵黃囊 primary yolk sac
初級(jí)絨毛干 primary stem villus
初級(jí)性索 primary sex cord
初級(jí)支氣管 primary bronchus
垂體軟骨 hypophyseal cartilage
唇裂 cleft lip
唇齦板 labiogingival lamina
唇齦溝 labiogingival groove
雌[性]配子 female gamete
雌[性]原核 female pronucleus
次級(jí)卵黃囊 secondary yolk sac
次級(jí)絨毛干 secondary stem villus
次級(jí)性索 secondary sex cord, cortical cord
次級(jí)支氣管 secondary bronchus
叢密絨毛膜 chorion frondosum(拉)
單[潛]能細(xì)胞 unipotent cell
單鼻孔 single nostril
單側(cè)唇裂 unilateral cleft lip
單側(cè)肺不發(fā)生 unilateral pulmonary agenesis
單極成神經(jīng)細(xì)胞 unipolar neuroblast
單角子宮 unicornuate uterus
單精入卵 monospermy
單卵孿生 monozygotic twins, identical twins
低常增生 hypoplasia
迪格奧爾格綜合征 DiGeorge syndrome
底板 floor plate
底蛻膜 decidua basalis(拉)
第二房間隔 septum secundum(拉)
第二房間孔 foramen secundum(拉)
第一房間隔 septum primum(拉)
第一房間孔 foramen primum(拉)
第一鰓弓綜合征 first arch syndrome
頂板 roof plate
頂體反應(yīng) acrosome reaction
頂體酶 acrosomal enzyme
頂體素 acrosin
頂臀長(zhǎng) crown-rump length, CR length,sitting height
頂踵長(zhǎng) crown-heel length, CH length,standing height
動(dòng)脈導(dǎo)管未閉 patent ductus arteriosus
動(dòng)脈干分隔不均 unequal division of truncus arteriosus
動(dòng)脈干永存 persistent truncus arteriosus
動(dòng)脈囊 aortic sac
動(dòng)脈球 bulbus arteriosus(拉)
動(dòng)物極 animal pole
竇房瓣 sinoatrial valve
竇房孔 sinoatrial orifice
竇隔 sinus septum(拉)
竇結(jié)節(jié) sinus tubercle, Müllerian tubercle
竇陰道球 sinovaginal bulb
獨(dú)眼 cyclopia
端黃卵 anisolecithal ovum, telolecithal egg
端腦 telencephalon
端腦曲 telencephalic flexure
短頸畸形 brevicollis, Klippel-Feil syndrome
短食管 short esophagus
短肢 phocomelia
短指 brachydactyly
短趾 brachydactyly
對(duì)胚極 abembryonic pole
多[潛]能細(xì)胞 pluripotent cell
多發(fā)性皮脂囊腫 steatocystoma multiplex(拉)
多黃卵 megalecithal ovum, polylecithal egg
多極成神經(jīng)細(xì)胞 multipolar neuroblast
多精入卵 polyspermy
多毛癥 hypertrichosis
多囊腎 polycystic kidney
多乳房 multimammas, polymastia
多乳頭 supernumerary nipples
多胎 multiplets
多指 polydactyly
多趾 polydactyly
額鼻突 frontonasal prominence, frontonasal process
額外甲狀旁腺 supernumerary parathyroid gland
額外腎 supernumerary kidney
額外牙 supernumerary tooth
腭扁桃體原基 primordium of palatine tonsil
腭發(fā)生 palatogenesis
腭裂 cleft palate
耳竇 auricular sinus
耳郭附件 auricular appendage
耳囊 otic capsule
耳囊軟骨 otic capsule cartilage
耳前肌節(jié) preotic myotome
耳丘 auricular hillock, auricular tubercle
二尖瓣閉鎖 mitral atresia
二裂鼻 bifid nose
二裂舌 bifid tongue
二裂輸尿管 bifid ureter
二裂陰莖 bifid penis
二胚層胚盤 bilaminar germ disc
發(fā)育[潛能]梯度 developmental potential gradient
發(fā)育生物學(xué) developmental biology
發(fā)育中心 developmental center
法洛三聯(lián)癥 trilogy of Fallot
法洛四聯(lián)癥 tetralogy of Fallot
反射性排卵 reflex ovulation


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