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發(fā)表時間:2017/10/06 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):8203  
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鞍背 dorsum sellae
鞍結(jié)節(jié) tuberculum sellae
白線 white line
白質(zhì)前連合 anterior white commissure
板內(nèi)核 intralaminar nucleus
板障 diploe
半環(huán)線 arcuate line
半腱肌 semitendinosus
半膜肌 semimembranosus
半羽肌 unipennate muscle
半月裂孔 hiatus semilunaris
半月線 semilunar line
膀胱 bladder
膀胱三角 trigone of bladder
膀胱上動脈 superior vesical artery
膀胱子宮陷凹 vesicouterine pouch
背側(cè)丘腦 dorsal thalamus
背闊肌 latissimus dorsi
背內(nèi)側(cè)核 medial dorsal nucleus
背外側(cè)核 lateral dorsal nucleus
背外側(cè)束 dorsolateral fasciculus
賁門 cardia
鼻 nose
鼻唇溝 nasolabial sulcus
鼻棘 nasal spine
鼻甲嵴 conchal crest
鼻尖 apex of nose
鼻孔 nares
鼻淚管 nasolacrimal canal
鼻腔 nasal cavity
鼻咽 nasopharynx
鼻煙壺 anatomical snuffbox
鼻翼 wing of nose
鼻閾 nasal limen
鼻中隔 nasal septum
比目魚肌 soleus
閉孔 obturator foramen
閉孔動脈 obturator artery
閉孔內(nèi)肌 obturator internus m.
閉孔外肌 obturator externus m.
壁腹膜 parietal peritoneum
臂叢 brachial plexus
邊緣動脈 marginal a.
杓橫肌 transverse arytenoids
杓會厭襞 plica aryepiglottica
杓斜肌 oblique arytenoids
杓狀軟骨 arytenoid cartilage
髕骨 patella
髕尖 apex of patella
髕韌帶 ligamentum patallae
髕上囊 suprapatellar bursa
玻璃體 vitreous body
薄束 fasciculus gracilis
薄束核 gracile nucleus
薄束結(jié)節(jié) gracile tubercle
側(cè)副三角 collateral trigone
側(cè)腦室 lateral ventricle
長收肌 adductor longus
腸系膜 mesentery
腸系膜上動脈 superior mesenteric a.
腸系膜上靜脈 superior mesenteric v.
腸系膜下動脈 inferior mesenteric a.
腸系膜下靜脈 inferior mesenteric v.
腸脂垂 epiploicae appendices
尺側(cè)副韌帶 ulnar collateral lig.
尺側(cè)腕屈肌 flexor carpiulnaris
尺骨 ulna
尺骨粗隆 tuberosity of ulna
尺骨冠突 coronoid process of ulna
尺骨莖突 styloid process of ulna
尺骨鷹嘴 olecranon of ulna
尺切跡 ulnar notch
尺神經(jīng) ulnar n.
尺神經(jīng)溝 groove for ulnar nerve
齒突 dens
齒狀核 dentate nucleus
齒狀回 dentate gyrus
齒狀韌帶 denticulate ligament
恥骨 pubis
恥骨肌 pectineus m.
恥骨嵴 pubic crest
恥骨結(jié)節(jié) pubic tubercle
恥骨聯(lián)合 symphysis pubis
恥骨韌帶 pubofemoral lig.
恥骨上支 superior ramus of pubis
恥骨梳 pecten pubis
恥骨體 body of the pubiss
恥骨下支 inferior pubic ramus
垂體 hypophysis pituitary gland
垂體柄 pituitary stalk
垂體窩 hypophyseal fossa
錘骨柄 handle of malleus


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