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發(fā)表時間:2017/08/10 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):3853  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

distress in concrete 混凝土裂縫
distributed force 分布力
distributed load 分布載荷
distributing bars 分布鋼筋
distributing pipe line 配水管道
distributing plate 分配板
distribution 配置
distribution board 配電板
distribution box 配電箱
distribution factor 分配系數(shù)
distribution header 分配總管
distribution of concrete 混凝土混合料分配
distribution of daylight 日光分布
distribution of forces 力分布
distribution of stresses 應(yīng)力分布
distribution pipe 分配管
distribution reinforcement 分布鋼筋
distribution reservoir 配水池
distributor 分配器
district 區(qū)域
district boiler house 區(qū)域鍋爐房
district cooling 分區(qū)冷卻
district heating 區(qū)域供熱
district park 區(qū)域公園
district road 區(qū)域性道路
disturbance of equilibrium 均衡破壞
ditch 渠
diurnal temperature range 晝夜溫度幅度
diurnal variation 晝夜變化
diversity factor 差異系數(shù)
divide 分水嶺
dividing wall 間壁
dockyard 造船廠
doctor bar 第桿件
document 文件
dog 扒釘
dog iron 抓鉤
dolomitic limestone 白云石灰?guī)r
dolphin 系船柱
dome 圓屋頂
dome light 穹頂天窗孔
dome shaped dam 穹頂壩
dome shell 圓頂狀薄殼
domestic architecture 居住建筑
domestic boiler 家用鍋爐
domestic building 居住房屋
domestic garbage 生活垃圾
domestic gas installation 民用煤氣設(shè)備
domestic heating 家用供熱
domestic heating appliance 家用供熱裝置
domestic hot water 家用熱水
domestic house 居住房屋
domestic sewage 生活污水
domestic sewerage system 生活污水管系統(tǒng)
domestic water supply 民用給水
domical architecture 圓頂式建筑
donut 大型墊圈
door 門
door assembly 門的裝配
door bolt 門銷
door buck 門邊立木
door butt 門鉸鏈
door case 門框
door catch 門閂
door closer 門關(guān)閉器
door frame 門框
door furniture 門用五金
door hanger 門鉤
door hanging 掛門
door head 門楣
door hinge 門鉸鏈
door jamb 門側(cè)柱
door knocker 門環(huán)
door mullion 窗門扇間豎框
door opening 門洞
door operator 門自動啟閉裝置
door plate 門牌
door schedule 門一覽表
door sill 門檻
door stile 門扇邊挺
door stop 門制止器
door unit 門的裝配
door way 門道
door with two leaves 雙扉門
doorbell 門鈴
doorstop 門制止器
dormant window 老虎窗
dormer window 老虎窗
dormitory area 宿舍區(qū)
dosing chamber 量斗
dosing tank 量斗
dot line 點線
double acting door 推拉門
double acting hydraulic jack 雙酌液壓油缸
double acting pile hammer 復動樁錘
double angle 雙角鋼
double armouring 復式鋼筋
double batten 雙重板條
double bedroom 可容雙人床臥室
double box 雙窩
double branch pipe 雙支管
double bridge 雙層橋
double coat 雙重涂層
double deck road 雙層式道路
double deck screen 雙層篩
double deck settling basin 雙層沉淀池
double door 雙開門
double dovetail key 雙鳩尾鍵
double drum hoist 雙滾筒提升機
double end wrench 雙頭板手
double flooring 雙重鋪地面
double glass 雙層玻璃
double glazing 鑲雙層玻璃
double headed nail 雙頭釘
double hinged arch 雙鉸拱
double house 拼連住宅
double inlet fan 雙進風口扇風機
double intersecting truss 復式交叉桁架
double iron 工字鋼
double lath 雙板條
double leaf bascule bridge 雙翼式開合橋
double leaf gate 雙翼大門
double leaf swing bridge 雙翼平旋橋
double pipe condenser 套管冷凝器
double pipe heat supply system 雙管供熱系統(tǒng)
double pitch roof 雙坡屋頂
double pole scaffold 雙桿支腳手架
double post roof truss 雙柱式屋架
double roof 復式屋頂
double sashed window 雙層升降窗
double sheetpiling 雙層板樁
double socket 雙窩
double stack system 雙立管系統(tǒng)

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