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發(fā)表時(shí)間:2017/07/29 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):4945  
字體大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

cementing agent 粘結(jié)劑
cementing materials 膠結(jié)材料
cementing properties 膠結(jié)性
cementitious materials 膠結(jié)材料
center arch 中心拱
center boiler 集中式鍋爐
center line 中心線
center of curvature 曲率中心
center of gravity 重心
center of moments 彎矩中心
center of pressure 壓力中心
center of rotation 旋轉(zhuǎn)中心
center span 中央跨距
center support 中心支座
center to center distance 中心距
centering of arches 拱的定心
central air conditioner 集中空氣第機(jī)
central air conditioning plant 集中式空氣第裝置
central area 中心地區(qū)
central axis 中心軸
central bay 中心橋跨
central boiler house 中央鍋爐房屋
central botanical garden 中央植物園
central control room 中央控制室
central heating 中央供熱
central heating boiler 中央供熱鍋爐
central heating station 中央加熱站
central mixed concrete 中央拌合混凝土
central moment of inertia 中心慣性矩
central park 中央公園
central plan 中心規(guī)劃
central plant air conditioning system 中央空氣第系統(tǒng)
central point load 中心點(diǎn)負(fù)荷
central post 中心柱
central warm air heating system 中央熱風(fēng)供熱系統(tǒng)
centralized hot water supply system 中央熱水供應(yīng)系統(tǒng)
centrifugal concrete pile 離心混凝土樁
centrifugal pump 離心泵
centrifugal reinforced concrete 離心鋼筋混凝土
centrifugally cast concrete 離心澆灌混凝土
centrifugally cast pipe 離心澆灌鋼筋混凝土管
centrifuge 離心機(jī)
centroid of section 截面重心
ceramic drain 陶瓷排水管
ceramic materials 陶瓷材料
ceramic mosaic 陶瓷馬賽克
ceramic tile 瓷磚
ceramic veneer 陶瓷面磚
ceramic wall 陶瓷磚墻
ceramics 陶瓷制品
ceramsite concrete 陶?;炷?/span>
ceramsite foam concrete 陶粒泡沫混凝土
chain 鏈
chain bridge 鏈縮橋
chain bucket dredge 鏈斗式控泥船
chain hoist 鏈?zhǔn)教嵘?/span>
chain lever hoist 鏈條桿卷?xiàng)顧C(jī)
chain of locks 梯級(jí)船閘
chain saw 鏈鋸
chain sling 鏈?zhǔn)降跛?/span>
chain survey 鏈測(cè)
chain suspension bridge 鏈縮橋
chair 椅
chalk 粉筆
chalkstone 白惡石
chamber 室
chambering 擴(kuò)孔
chamfered angle 斜面角
chamotte brick 耐火粘土磚
chandelier 枝形吊燈
change 變化
change in length 長(zhǎng)度變化
change of gradient 梯度變化
change of stress state 應(yīng)力狀態(tài)的變化
channel beam 槽形梁
channel capacity 河槽輸水能力
channel check 渠道控制
channel flow 摸憐
channel of approach 引水渠
channel revetment 河道護(hù)岸
channel roughness 河槽糙率
channel section 槽形截面
characteristic concrete cube strength 混凝土規(guī)格立方塊強(qiáng)度
characteristic curve 特性曲線
characteristic load 規(guī)格荷載
characteristic properties 固有特性
characteristic strength 特湛度
charcoal 發(fā)
charge 裝藥
charge of surety 容許荷載
charpy impact machine 單梁式?jīng)_輝驗(yàn)機(jī)
charpy test 恰貝試驗(yàn)
chart 表
chase 槽
chasing 車槽雕刻
chassisless construction 無(wú)車身底盤結(jié)構(gòu)
check 檢查
check calculation 驗(yàn)算
check gate 第閘門
check of staircase 樓梯側(cè)板
check test 檢查試驗(yàn)
check throat 門嘉水槽
check valve 止回閥
checker plate 花鋼板
cheek 邊墻
chemical action 化學(xué)酌
chemical admixture 化學(xué)摻合料
chemical agent 化學(xué)試劑
chemical analysis 化學(xué)分析
chemical combination 化合
chemical compound 化學(xué)組成
chemical gauging 化學(xué)方法測(cè)定
chemical grouting 化學(xué)灌槳
chemical mortar 化學(xué)灰漿
chemical precipitation 化學(xué)沉淀
chemical reaction 化學(xué)反應(yīng)
chemical sealing 化學(xué)密封加固
chemical water treatment 水的化學(xué)處理
chemically bonded brick 化學(xué)粘著磚
chemistry of concrete 混凝土化學(xué)
chequer plate 網(wǎng)紋鋼板
chevron drain 人字形排水溝
chief draughtsman 治員圖員
chief engineer 總工程師
children's garden 兒童公園
children's play area 兒童游戲場(chǎng)
chilled water 冷卻水
chilling 冷卻
chilling water 冷卻水
chimney 煙囪
chimney block 煙道砌塊
chimney cap 煙囪帽
chimney drain 豎井排水管
chimney effect 抽吸效應(yīng)
chimney flue 煙囪
chimney hood 煙囪帽
chimney shaft 煙囪身
chimneys brick 煙圖用磚
china cabinet 瞅
china sanitary ware 衛(wèi)生彩色瓷器
chipboard 碎木膠合板
chippings 碎石片
chippings spreader 石屑撒布機(jī)
chisel 鏨
chlorination 加氯處理
chlorination plant 加氯處理裝置
chlorinator 氯化器
chock 墊木
choker hitch 夾鉗酸
chord 桁架弦桿
chord line 弦線
chord of arch 拱弦
chromatic adaptation 色順應(yīng)
chromatic sensation 色覺
chrome brick 鉻磚
churn drilling 沖喚鉆進(jìn)
chute 斜槽
chuting concrete 斜槽溜澆混凝土
cillery 葉飾
cinder 爐渣
cinder aggregate 礦渣骨料
cinder block 煤渣砌塊
cinder concrete 煤渣混凝土
cinder concrete brick 煤渣混凝土磚
cinquefoil 五瓣花飾
cipoletti weir 梯形堰
circle 圓
circle of influence 影響圈
circle of stress 應(yīng)力圓
circle of wall plates 承梁板凸緣
circuit 回路
circuit breaker 斷路開關(guān)
circuit street 環(huán)行街道
circular arch 圓弧拱
circular cofferdam 圓形圍堰
circular frequency 圓頻率
circular pan mixer 圓盤式攪拌機(jī)
circular saw 圓盤鋸
circular section 圓截面
circular settling tank 圓形沉淀池
circular stair 環(huán)形樓梯
circular tunnel 圓形隧洞
circulating fund 哩資金
circulating space heater 循環(huán)空間加熱器
circulating system 循環(huán)系統(tǒng)
circulating water 循環(huán)水
circulation 循環(huán)
circulation cooling 循環(huán)冷卻
circulation heating 循環(huán)供熱
circulation pump 循環(huán)泵
circumference 圓周
circumferential stress 圓周應(yīng)力
circus 圓形馬戲場(chǎng)
city area 城市區(qū)域
city climate 城市氣侯
city constitution 城市組成
city designing office 城市設(shè)計(jì)院
city management 城市管理
city noise 城市噪聲
city owned utilities 市辦公用設(shè)施
city park 城市公園
city planning 城市規(guī)劃
city traffic network 城市交通網(wǎng)
city water 自來(lái)水
civic area 民用區(qū)域
civic beauty 城都美
civic building 民用房屋
civil architect 民用建筑師
civil architecture 民用建筑
civil engineer 土木工程師
civil engineering 土木工程
civilian construction 民用建筑
cladding panel 骨架填充板材
cladding wall 覆蓋板墻
clamped beam 固定梁
clamping device 夾具
clamping screw 夾緊螺釘
clamshell grab 抓斗
clarification 澄清
clarification tank 澄清池
clarification time 凈化時(shí)間
clarified sewage 澄清的污水
clarifier 澄清池
clasp 掛鉤
class of buildings 建筑物等級(jí)
class of loading 荷載等級(jí)
classic architecture 古典建筑
classification 分類
classification of soils 土壤分類
classifier 粒度分級(jí)器分級(jí)器
claw 鉗
claw hammer 木工錘
clay 粘土
clay blanket 粘土封層
clay brick 粘土磚
clay cement 粘土水泥灰漿
clay concrete 粘土混凝土
clay core 粘土心墻
clay engineering brick 缸磚
clay floor 粘土地面
clay grouting 粘土灌漿
clay mortar 粘土灰漿
clay pipe 瓦管
clay plate mould 制瓦模
clay puddle 粘土膏
clay sealing 粘土填充
clay tile 陶土瓦
clean timber 無(wú)節(jié)疤木料
cleaning door 清理門
clear distance 凈距離
clear overflow weir 苗吝
clear span 凈跨
clear water 凈水
clear water reservoir 凈水池
clear width 凈寬
clearance 間隙
clearance area 應(yīng)拆居住區(qū)
clearance height 凈空高度
cleat 楔子
clerestory window 縱向天墻
clerk of works 建設(shè)監(jiān)督
climate 氣侯
climatic condition 氣侯條件
climatic region 氣侯區(qū)
climatic test chamber 人工氣侯試驗(yàn)室
climatic zone 氣侯帶
climatological data 氣侯資料
climbing forms 滑升模板
climbing shuttering 提升模板
clink 劈楔
clinker 燒結(jié)塊
clinker aggregate 燒結(jié)集料
clinker bearing slag cement 礦渣硅酸鹽水泥
clinker block 煤渣砌塊
clinker brick 缸磚
clinker cement 熟料水泥
clinker concrete 溶塊混凝土
clinometer 傾斜計(jì)
clip 夾
clip band 夾帶
cloak room 衣帽間
clock house 守衛(wèi)室
clockwise moment 順時(shí)針方向矩
closed building method 密集式建筑法
closed construction 不透水結(jié)構(gòu)
closed container 密閉容器
closed cornice 封閉檐板
closed force polygon 合力多邊形
closed heat supply system 封閉式供熱系統(tǒng)
closed system 閉系統(tǒng)
closed type steam heating system 閉式蒸汽供熱系統(tǒng)
closing up of cracks 裂縫閉合
closure embankment 堵口堤
cloth construction 織物結(jié)構(gòu)
cloth filter 布質(zhì)濾器
cloth roof 布屋頂
clout nails 大帽釘
clubhouse 俱樂部
coagulant 凝結(jié)劑
coagulating agent 凝結(jié)劑
coagulation 凝聚
coagulation basin 凝結(jié)池
coagulator 凝固器凝固劑
coal tar enamel 煤焦油磁漆
coarse aggregate 粗糙骨料
coarse air filter 粗凈空氣濾器
coarse asphaltic concrete 粗骨料瀝青混凝土
coarse chips 粗粒碎石
coarse concrete 粗級(jí)配混凝土
coarse graded asphaltic concrete 粗級(jí)配瀝青混凝土
coarse grading 粗級(jí)配
coarse grain filter 粗粒過(guò)濾器
coarse ground cement 粗磨水泥
coarse rock 粗粒碎石
coarse sand 粗砂
coarse screen 粗篩
coarse screening 粗篩選
coast protection 海岸防護(hù)
coast protection dam 海岸防護(hù)堤
coast protection works 海岸防護(hù)設(shè)施
coastal canal 沿海運(yùn)河
coastal park 海濱公園
coat 敷蓋層
cob 草筋泥;夯土建筑
cob brick 土磚
cob wall 土墻
cobble 中礫石
cobble stone masonry 中塊石圬工
cobbles concrete 大卵石混凝土
cobblestone 中礫石
cobblestone pavement 大卵石路面
cobwork 木籠建筑物
cock 閥
cockloft 閣樓
cockscomb 雞冠形刮刀
cocnnection angle 連接角鋼
coefficient 系數(shù)
coefficient of cohesion 粘著數(shù)
coefficient of compressibility 壓縮系數(shù)
coefficient of consolidation 壓實(shí)系數(shù)
coefficient of deformation 變形系數(shù)
coefficient of discharge 量系數(shù)
coefficient of earth pressure 土壓力系數(shù)
coefficient of elasticity 彈性系數(shù)
coefficient of filtration 過(guò)濾系數(shù)
coefficient of friction 摩擦系數(shù)
coefficient of heat transfer 熱傳遞系數(shù)
coefficient of internal friction 內(nèi)摩擦系數(shù)
coefficient of moisture precipitation 水分分泌系數(shù)
coefficient of passive earth pressure 被動(dòng)土壓力系數(shù)
coefficient of performance 性能系數(shù)
coefficient of permeability 滲透系數(shù)
coefficient of radiation 輻射系數(shù)
coefficient of resistance 阻力系數(shù)
coefficient of roughness 粗糙系數(shù)
coefficient of rugosity 粗糙系數(shù)
coefficient of soil reaction 地基系數(shù)
coefficient of subgrade reaction 地基系數(shù)
coefficient of thermal conductivity 導(dǎo)熱系數(shù)
coefficient of thermal expansion 熱膨脹系數(shù)
coefficient of uniformity 勻質(zhì)系數(shù)
coefficient of velocity 速度系數(shù)
coefficient of viscosity 粘性系數(shù)
coffer wall 沉箱墻
cofferdam 圍堰
coffered ceiling 方格天花板
cohesion 內(nèi)聚力
cohesionless soil 無(wú)粘性土
cohesive soil 粘性土
cohesive strength 內(nèi)聚力
coign 隅石
coil 盤管
coke 焦炭
coke cement concrete 焦炭屑混凝土

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