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發(fā)表時間:2018/04/20 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):6204  
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wage 工資
waiver 寬免;豁免;放棄
waiver of fees 寬免費用
waiver of loan 免除還款
warehouse 倉庫
warrant 認(rèn)股權(quán)證;撥款令;支款授權(quán)書
warrant exercisable 可行使的認(rèn)股權(quán)證
warrant exercised [listing method] 行使認(rèn)股權(quán)證〔上市方式〕
warrant issue prospectus 認(rèn)股權(quán)證發(fā)行章程
warrant stock 認(rèn)股權(quán)證;認(rèn)購股權(quán)證書
warrant to subscribe 認(rèn)購權(quán)證
wash sale 虛假銷售;對銷交易
Wayfoong Credit Limited 豐授信財務(wù)有限公司
Wayfoong Finance Ltd. 豐財務(wù)有限公司
wayward and erratic movement 反復(fù)及不正常的變動
weak 疲弱;偏軟
weak consumer spending 消費疲弱
wealth effect 財富效應(yīng)
weight 權(quán)數(shù)
weighted average 加權(quán)平均數(shù)
weighted average of exchange rate 匯率的加權(quán)平均數(shù)
weighted market capitalization 加權(quán)資本市值;加權(quán)市價總值
weighted mean salary 加權(quán)平均薪金
weighting system of the Consumer Price Index 消費物價指數(shù)的權(quán)數(shù)模式
well-capitalized 資本雄厚
Wellington Stock Exchange 惠靈頓證券交易所
West Germany′s Commerzbank Index 西德商銀指數(shù)
Westdeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale 西德意志州銀行〔西德銀行〕
Western European economies of greatest reference to Hong Kong 與本港經(jīng)濟最有關(guān)系的西歐國家
Western industrialized economy 西方工業(yè)國家
Westpac Banking Corporation 西太平洋銀行
whitewashed transaction 清洗交易
wholesale bank 批發(fā)銀行
wholesale banking 批發(fā)銀行業(yè)務(wù)
wholesale tax 批發(fā)稅
wholly-owned subsidiary 全資附屬公司
W.I. Carr Indosuez Capital Asia Limited 惠嘉融資亞洲有限公司
wider margin of variation 較大幅度的偏差
width of two tax bands 兩個稅階的幅度
wilful evasion 蓄意逃稅
will 遺囑;意愿
winding-up 清盤;結(jié)束
winding-up order 清盤令
winding-up petition 清盤呈請
winding-up proceeding 清盤程序
Windsor Declaration 《溫莎聲明》
Wing Hang Bank Ltd. 永亨銀行有限公司
Wing Hang Finance Company Limited 永亨財務(wù)有限公司
Wing Lung Bank Limited 永隆銀行有限公司
Wing Lung Finance Limited 永隆財務(wù)有限公司
Winnipeg Commodities Exchange 溫尼伯商品交易所
Winnipeg Commodity Clearing Limited 溫尼伯商品結(jié)算有限公司
with recourse letter of credit 有追索權(quán)信用證
withdrawal of offer 撤回要約
withholding tax 預(yù)扣稅;預(yù)扣稅項
without-profit business 不可分紅業(yè)務(wù)
with-profit business 可分紅業(yè)務(wù)
workforce 工作人口
working balance 周轉(zhuǎn)余額;營運結(jié)余
working capital 營運資金;周轉(zhuǎn)資金
Working Group on Corporate Governance [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 公司管治工作小組〔香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
Working Group on Financial Facilities 財政設(shè)施工作小組
Working Group on Hong Kong′s Economic Relationship with China 香港與中國經(jīng)濟關(guān)系工作小組
Working Group on New Market Development [Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 新市場發(fā)展工作小組〔香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
Working Party on Financial Disclosure 財務(wù)資料披露工作小組
Working Party on Payment and Settlement System 支付及交收系統(tǒng)工作小組
working population 工作人口
Works Account 工程帳
World Bank 世界銀行
World Bank Group 世界銀行集團
World Bank/International Monetary Fund Annual Meeting 世界銀行/國際貨幣基金組織年會
World Competitiveness Report 19XX [published by the International Institute for Management Development and the World Economic Forum] 《一九XX年世界競爭力報告書》〔由國際管理發(fā)展研究所與世界經(jīng)濟論壇出版〕
World Economic Forum 世界經(jīng)濟論壇
World Gold Council 世界黃金協(xié)會
World Trade Organization [WTO] 世界貿(mào)易組織〔世貿(mào)組織〕
worldwide profit 來自世界各地的利潤
wound-up company 清盤公司
write back 撥回;回記
write down 減記
write off 注銷;撇帳
write up 增記
written commitment 書面承擔(dān)
written-down value 折余價值
written-down value on disposal 變賣時折余價值
Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd. 山口銀行
Yankee bond 揚基債券;美國本土債券
Yasuda Trust & Banking Co. Ltd. 安田信托銀行
Yasuda Trust Asia Pacific Limited 安田信托亞太有限公司
year of assessment 課稅年度;估價年度
year preceding a year of assessment 課稅年度的上一年
yearly rent 年租
year-on-year growth rate 逐年增長率
year-to-year percentage increase 逐年增長的百分率
“yee wui” 義會
yield 收益;收益率
yield curve 收益率曲線
yield of dividend 股息率;股息收益率
yield to maturity 到期收益率
Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Ltd. 鹽業(yè)銀行
Yien Yieh Finance Company Ltd. 鹽業(yè)財務(wù)有限公司
Yuen Long Industrial Estate Loan 元朗工業(yè)貸款
zaibatsu [Japanese] 財閥〔日語〕;大財團
zero coupon bond 無息債券
zero growth 零增長
zero-based budgeting 零基預(yù)算
zonal charge 分區(qū)收費
Zurich Stock Exchange 蘇黎世證券交易所


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