

翻譯資訊 翻譯模板 詞典查詢 翻譯語種 行業(yè)翻譯 成功案例 翻譯語種-歐洲語言 翻譯語種-亞洲語言 譯境特色翻譯 翻譯語種-稀有語種 網(wǎng)站優(yōu)化日志 展會動態(tài) 同傳交傳口譯風采


發(fā)表時間:2017/12/19 00:00:00  瀏覽次數(shù):9033  
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Nagoya Stock Exchange 名古屋證券交易所
naked short selling 無擔保沽空;無擔保賣空
Nanyang Commercial Bank Limited 南洋商業(yè)銀行有限公司
Nanyang Finance Company Limited 南洋財務有限公司
narrow definition of money 狹義貨幣供應
narrow margin arbitrage 低利套匯;薄利套匯
narrower profit margin 較小利潤幅度
narrowing of spread 收窄息差
national accounting 國民經(jīng)濟核算
national accounts 國民賬戶;國民核算
national accounts framework 國民經(jīng)濟核算架構
National Association of Securities Dealers [United States] 全國證券交易商協(xié)會〔美國〕
National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations [United States] 全國證券交易商自動報價協(xié)會〔美國〕
National Australia Bank, Limited 澳洲國民銀行
National Automated Payment System [NAPS] [China] 國家自動支付系統(tǒng)〔中國〕
National Bank of Canada 加拿大國家銀行
National Bank of Pakistan 巴基斯坦銀行
National Commercial Bank Limited 浙江興業(yè)銀行
national income 國民收入
national income account 國民收入賬戶
National Institute of Economic and Social Research 國立經(jīng)濟及社會研究所
national insurance contribution [United Kingdom] 國民保險供款〔英國〕
National Market System [United States] 全國市場系統(tǒng)〔美國〕
National Measurement Accreditation Service [NAMAS] [United Kingdom] 國家計量認可服務處〔英國〕
National Westminster Bank plc 國民西敏寺銀行
NationsBank, National Association 美國眾國銀行
native bank order 本地銀行付款令票
nature of business 業(yè)務性質(zhì)
near money 近似貨幣;準貨幣
near monopoly 近乎專利;近乎壟斷
Nedcor Asia Limited 萊利亞洲有限公司
negative factor 利淡因素;不利因素
negative growth 負增長
negative interest 負利息
negative interest rate 負利率
negotiable 可轉讓;可流轉
negotiable bill of lading 可轉讓提單;流通提單
negotiable certificate of deposit [NCD] 可轉讓存款證
negotiable debt instrument 可轉讓債務票據(jù)
negotiable instrument 可轉讓票據(jù);可流轉票據(jù)
negotiable letter of credit 可轉讓信用證;流通信用證
negotiable paper 可流轉的票據(jù)
negotiable securities 可流轉證券
negotiable security 可流轉的抵押品
negotiating bank 議付銀行
net 凈額;凈值;實額
net additional allowance 額外免稅實額
net admissible assets 可接納資產(chǎn)凈值
net aggregated value of an estate 遺產(chǎn)總值凈額
net amount 凈額
net assessable income 應評稅入息實額
net assessable profit 應評稅利潤實額
net assessable value 應評稅凈值
net assets 凈資產(chǎn);資產(chǎn)凈值
net assets increase 資產(chǎn)凈值的增長
net assets value [NAV] 資產(chǎn)凈值
net balance 凈余額
net balance of capital movement 資金流動凈額;資金流動凈差額
net basis 凈額基準
net book value 賬面凈值
net borrower 凈借方;凈借貸的一方
net capital 資本凈值;資本凈額
net cash balance 現(xiàn)金結余凈額
net chargeable income 應課稅入息實額
net claims paid 已償付申索凈額
net clearing balance 凈結算差額
net commission payable 須付的傭金凈額
net cost 凈成本;成本凈額;費用凈額
net currency translation difference 外幣折算凈差額
net deficit 凈額赤字
net earnings 凈收益;凈盈利
net equity 權益凈額
net estate 凈遺產(chǎn)
net exchange loss 匯兌損失凈額
net export of services 出口服務凈額
net external balance 對外貿(mào)易凈差額
net favourable balance 順差凈額
net flow of fund 資金流動凈額
net indebtedness 凈負債額
net inflow of fund 資金流入凈額
net insurance liabilities 保險負債凈額
net interest margin 凈利率差距
net interest paid 實付利息
net liabilities 凈負債;負債凈額
net open position 未平倉合約凈額
net operating profit 營業(yè)純利;營業(yè)凈利
net outflow of fund 資金外流凈額
net output 凈產(chǎn)出;凈產(chǎn)值;凈產(chǎn)量
net payment 支出凈額
net position 持倉凈額
net price 凈價格;實價
net proceeds 凈收入
net profit 純利
net profit after taxation 稅后純利
net provisional tax 暫繳稅實額
net public financial assets 政府金融資產(chǎn)凈值;政府財務資產(chǎn)凈值
net rate of exchange 凈匯率
net realizable value 可變現(xiàn)凈值
net realization 凈變現(xiàn)額
net receipt 凈收入;收入凈額
net reinsurance premium 再保險保費凈額
net rent 租金凈額
net residue 凈余額
net savings 節(jié)省款項凈額;節(jié)省開支凈額;節(jié)省凈額
net spot foreign currency position 外幣現(xiàn)貨凈額
net sum 凈款額
net supply 供應凈額
net tangible assets 有形資產(chǎn)凈值
net total income 入息實額;收入實額
net transfer to fund 撥入基金的款項凈額
net underwriting commitment 包銷承擔凈額
net unfavourable balance 逆差凈額
net value 凈值
net worth 凈值;資產(chǎn)凈值
net/gross ratio 凈額/總額比率
netting 凈額結算
New Airport Division [Economic Services Bureau] 新機場部〔經(jīng)濟局〕
new capital account commitment 非經(jīng)常帳新承擔額
new capital account subhead 非經(jīng)常帳新分目
new capital account subventions subhead 非經(jīng)常帳資助金新分目;非經(jīng)常帳下的資助金新分目
new commitment 新承擔額;新承擔項目
new commodity 新商品
New Companies Section [Companies Registry] 新公司注冊組〔公司注冊處〕
new grant 新增補助金
new issue account 新股發(fā)行賬戶
new issue of shares 發(fā)行新股
new money 新增款項;新注入的資金
new non-recurrent commitment 非經(jīng)常開支新承擔額
new other non-recurrent subhead 其它非經(jīng)常開支新分目
New Products Committee [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited] 新產(chǎn)品委員會〔香港期貨交易所有限公司〕
new recurrent account subhead 經(jīng)常帳新分目
new recurrent account subventions subhead 經(jīng)常帳資助金新分目;經(jīng)常帳下的資助金新分目
new special expenditure subhead 特別開支新分目
New Taiwan Dollar [TWD] 新臺幣
New York Cotton Exchange, Inc. 紐約棉花交易所有限公司
New York Futures Exchange 紐約期貨交易所
New York Mercantile Exchange [NYMEX] 紐約商品交易所
New York Produce Exchange, Inc. 紐約農(nóng)產(chǎn)品交易所有限公司
New York Stock Exchange 紐約證券交易所
New Zealand Dollar [NZD] 新西蘭元
New Zealand Futures and Options Exchange 新西蘭期貨及期權交易所
New Zealand Stock Exchange 新西蘭證券交易所
newly authorized fund 新認可的基金
newly authorized trust 新認可的信托
newly formed trust 新成立的信托
next day net settlement system 翌日凈額交收系統(tǒng)
Next Step–Hong Kong as a Financial Risk Management Centre, The 《向前邁進──香港穩(wěn)居金融風險管理中心的地位》
night depository 夜庫
Nikkei 225 Index 日經(jīng)225指數(shù)
Nikkei Index 日經(jīng)指數(shù)
Nikkei Stock Average 日經(jīng)平均指數(shù)
nil-paid share 未繳股款的股份
Nishi-Nippon Bank, Ltd. 西日本銀行
Nishi-Nippon Finance (Hong Kong) Limited 西日本財務(香港)有限公司
N.M. Rothschild & Sons (Hong Kong) Limited 洛希爾父子(香港)有限公司
no-loss level 無虧損水平
nominal account 名義賬戶;虛賬戶
nominal amount 面額;象征式款額
nominal and effective exchange rates for the Hong Kong dollar 港元的名義及實際匯率
nominal capital 名義資本
nominal consideration 象征式代價
nominal earnings 名義收益;名義入息額;理論上入息額
nominal increase 名義上增加;理論上增加
nominal price 虛價;名義價格;按盤價
nominal share capital 注冊股本;名義股本
nominal value 面值;名義值;票面值;理論上價值
Nominating Committee [Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited] 提名委員會〔香港期貨交易所有限公司;香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司〕
nominee 代名人
nominee account 代名人戶口
non-acceptance 不承兌
non-bank investor 非銀行投資者
non-banking sector 銀行以外的機構
non-bankruptcy certificate 非破產(chǎn)證明書
non-business day 非營業(yè)日
non-capitalization weighted index 非資本值加權指數(shù)
non-cash acquisition 非現(xiàn)金投資所得的資產(chǎn)
non-cash assets 非現(xiàn)金資產(chǎn)
non-cash-limited subhead 沒有現(xiàn)金支出限額的分目
non-certificated share 無證書股份
non-clearing member 非結算會員
non-collateralized derivatives warrant 非抵押衍生認股權證
non-conforming tender 不符合要求的投標
non-consumption item 非消費項目
non-cumulative redeemable preference share 非累積的可贖回優(yōu)先股
non-dealing partner 非經(jīng)營合伙人
non-discretionary account 非全權委托戶口;非全權代客買賣賬戶
non-distributable reserve 不可分配的儲備金
non-essentials 非必需品
non-executive director 非執(zhí)行董事;非執(zhí)行理事
non-interest-bearing certificate of indebtedness 無息負債證明書
non-interest-bearing debt securities 無息債務證券
non-interest-bearing note 無息票據(jù)
non-interventionism 不干預政策
non-investment-linked life insurance policy 非與投資掛鉤的人壽保單
non-liquid form of deposit 定期存款
non-listed company 非上市公司
non-member shareholder 非會員股東
non-monetary gold 非貨幣黃金;非作貨幣用途的黃金
non-negotiable bill of lading 不可轉讓提單;非流通提單
non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note 不可轉讓的無息期票
non-OECD stock market 非經(jīng)濟合作及發(fā)展組織國家的證券市場
non-payment 不繳付;不付款
non-performing assets 非營運資產(chǎn)
non-performing loan 非營運貸款;不履約貸款
non-profit-distributing body 非分配利潤的組織
non-profit-making 非牟利
non-proportional treaty 非比例協(xié)約
non-proportional treaty reinsurance 非比例協(xié)約再保險
non-realizable savings 不可變現(xiàn)的節(jié)省額
non-recourse debt 無追索權債項
non-recurrent cost 非經(jīng)常費用
non-recurrent expenditure 非經(jīng)常開支
non-recurrent grant 非經(jīng)常補助金
non-recurrent revenue 非經(jīng)常收入
non-resident corporation 非本地注冊的公司;非本地注冊的法人團體
non-resident institution 非駐港機構
non-subsidy principle 無津貼原則
non-tradables 非貿(mào)易品
non-unit liabilities 非單位負債
non-voting share 無表決權股份
non-works capital expenditure 基本工程外的非經(jīng)常開支
Nordic Investment Bank 北歐投資銀行
normal expenditure 正常開支
normal fidelity insurance 一般忠誠保險
normal value 正常價值
Norwegian Krone [NOK] 挪威克郎
nose dive 暴瀉
not negotiable 不可轉讓
not trading for profit 非牟利
notarial act of honour 公證承付
notary 公證人
note 票據(jù);紙幣;鈔票
note issuance facility 票據(jù)發(fā)行融通
note issue 紙幣發(fā)行;發(fā)鈔
note issue mechanism 發(fā)行鈔票機制
Note Security Fund 紙幣保證基金
note-issuing bank 發(fā)鈔銀行
Notes on Computation of Salaries Tax/Personal Assessment 有關薪俸稅/個人入息課稅計算辦法說明
Notice for Payment of Provisional Tax 暫繳稅繳納通知書
Notice for Recovery of Tax 追收稅款通知書
notice of a trust 信托通知
notice of additional assessment 補加評稅通知書
Notice of Adjudication of Proof of Debt 裁定債權通告
notice of assessment 評稅通知書
Notice of Assessment and Demand for Additional Tax 評定及繳納補加稅款通知書
Notice of Assessment and Demand for Tax 評稅及繳納稅款通知書
Notice of Assessment for Property Tax 物業(yè)稅評稅通知書
Notice of Change of Particulars 更改注冊事項通知書
Notice of Change of Registered office 更改注冊辦事處通知書
Notice of Correction to the Valuation List 更正估價冊通知書
Notice of Deletion 刪除估價冊內(nèi)物業(yè)通知書
notice of demand 付款通知書
notice of deposit 有關繳存款項的通知
notice of dishonour 不兌現(xiàn)通知
notice of intended dividend 有關擬宣布攤還債款的通知
Notice of Intended Payment to Creditors and Intended Application to Recission of Receiving Order 擬發(fā)還償款予債權人及擬申請撤銷接管令通告
Notice of Intention to Amend Valuation List 擬修正估價冊記錄通知書
Notice of Intention to Assess Additional Tax 擬評定補加稅的通知書
Notice of Interim Valuation 臨時估價通知書
notice of objection 反對通知書
Notice of Personal Assessment 個人入息課稅通知書
Notice of Rateable value 應課差餉租值通知書
Notice of Revised Assessment 修訂評稅通知書
Notice of Situation 公司更改地址通知書
notice of transfer 轉讓通告
Notice of Valuation 估價通知書
notifiable interest 須具報的權益
notifiable transaction 須予公布的交易
noting of bills 匯票的拒付記錄
notional annual mid-point salary [NAMS] 按薪級中點估計的年薪值
notional annual mid-point salary committed 已撥用的按薪級中點估計的年薪值
notional annual mid-point salary spent 已動用的按薪級中點估計的年薪值
notional annual salary cost at mid-point 按薪級中點估計的年薪開支
notional cost 估計費用;名義成本
notional mid-point cost 估計的中點費用
novation 約務更替;債務更替文件
nugatory expenditure 不必要開支
number of cash-sweep chances 現(xiàn)金彩票活動的中彩機會的數(shù)目
number of cash-sweep tickets sold 現(xiàn)金彩票活動售出的彩票數(shù)目
numbered ticket 號碼彩票
obligation 債項;責任;義務
obligation bond 債務債券
obligee 受惠人
occupational retirement scheme 職業(yè)退休計劃
Occupational Retirement Schemes Division [Financial Services Bureau] 退休計劃部〔財經(jīng)事務局〕
odd lot 散股;碎股;零股
odd lot broker 散股經(jīng)紀
OECD country 經(jīng)濟合作及發(fā)展組織國家;經(jīng)濟合作及發(fā)展組織的成員國
OECD stock market 經(jīng)濟合作及發(fā)展組織國家的證券市場
off-balance-sheet exposure 資產(chǎn)負債表外的風險
off-balance-sheet financing 帳外融資;資產(chǎn)負債表外的融資
off-balance-sheet item 資產(chǎn)負債表外的項目
off-balance-sheet transaction 帳外交易;資產(chǎn)負債表外的交易
offer 要約;建議;收購
offer by tender 招標發(fā)售
offer document 要約文件;建議文件
offer for sale 要約出售
offer for subscription 公開招股
offer mechanism 招股機制
offer of shares for public subscription 公開招股
offer period 要約期
offer price 要約價;發(fā)盤價
offer rate 拆出息率
offer to buy 要約買入
offer to lend 要約貸出
offer to sell 要約賣出
offeree 受要約人
offeree company 受要約公司
offeree shareholder 受要約公司的股東
offeror 要約人
offeror company 要約公司;提出要約公司
off-floor terminal 離場交易終端機
off-floor trading 離場交易
office of profit 有收益的職位
Office of the Commissioner for Securities and Commodities Trading 證券及商品交易監(jiān)理專員辦事處
Office of the Commissioner of Banking 銀行業(yè)監(jiān)理處
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 保險業(yè)監(jiān)理處
Office of the Exchange Fund 外匯基金管理局
Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund 電訊管理局營運基金
Official Administrator 遺產(chǎn)管理官
official emolument 官職薪酬
official listing 正式上市
official rate 法定匯率;官價
Official Receiver 破產(chǎn)管理署署長
Official Receiver′s Office 破產(chǎn)管理署
official trustee 法定受托人
off-market dealing 場外買賣
offset 抵銷;彌補;沖銷
offsetting position 相抵持倉
offshore bank 離岸銀行
offshore borrowing 海外借款
offshore borrowing transaction 海外借款交易
offshore business 海外業(yè)務
offshore currency deposit market 海外貨幣存款市場
offshore fund 離岸基金
offshore interest 海外利息
offshore reinsurance income 離岸再保險入息
Offshore Supervisors Group 離岸監(jiān)理組織
off-site review 非實地審查
off-site scrutiny 非實地審核
Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd. 大垣共立銀行
omission of income 漏報入息
omission of profit 漏報利潤
on account basis 記帳方式;賒帳方式
on-balance-sheet item 資產(chǎn)負債表內(nèi)的項目
on-cost 間接成本;間接費用;附加行政費用
one board lot of securities “一手”證券
“one building” condition “一家分行”的規(guī)定
one day rolling currency futures 單日掉期外匯期貨
one day rolling currency futures contract 單日掉期外匯期貨合約
one price 單一價格;不二價
one-line vote 整筆撥款
one-off grant 一次過撥款
one-off item 非經(jīng)常項目
one-off payment 一次過撥款;單一筆款項
one-off subsidy 一次過補貼
onerous tax 繁苛稅項;繁重稅率
on-floor order 場內(nèi)買賣盤
on-lending 轉借
on-site examination 實地審查
open a position “做倉”;開倉
open account 未清賬戶;記帳交易;往來賬戶
open contract 未平倉合約
open economy 開放經(jīng)濟
open interest 未平倉合約數(shù)量
open market 公開市場
open market value 公開市場價值;市值
open offer [listing method] 公開售股〔上市方式〕
open order 開倉訂單
open outcry 公開叫價;公開喊價
open position 未平倉交易
open price 開倉價格
open tender 公開投標
open-end fund 開端基金
open-ended investment corporation 股份不定的投資公司
opening balance 期初結余
opening price 開盤價格;開市價
opening quotation 開市價;開市行情
opening rate 開盤匯價
operating account 營業(yè)帳目;營業(yè)賬戶;經(jīng)營帳目
operating agreement 營運協(xié)議
operating cost 營運成本;運作成本;操作成本
operating deficit 營業(yè)虧損;經(jīng)營赤字
operating expenditure 經(jīng)營開支;營運開支;營業(yè)支出
operating expenses 營運開支;營業(yè)費用
operating income 營運收入;營業(yè)收入
operating loan 經(jīng)營業(yè)務所需貸款
operating profit 營業(yè)利潤
operating revenue 營運收入;營業(yè)收益
operating services account 營運服務帳目
operating statement 經(jīng)營收支表;營業(yè)損益表
operating surplus 經(jīng)營盈余;營業(yè)盈余
operation 經(jīng)營;營運;投產(chǎn)
operational fund 經(jīng)費
operative aggregate 現(xiàn)行總體數(shù)字
operator 經(jīng)營者;營運者;營辦商
opportunity cost 機會成本
optimist “好友”
optimum rate of expenditure 最適當支出率
option 期權;認購權;選擇權;選購權
option contract 期權合約
option money 期權費
option on a futures contract 期貨合約期權;期貨期權
option on commodities 商品期權
option position 期權持倉量
option premium 期權金;期權溢價
optional stipulation 選擇性規(guī)定
Options Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 期權結算公司〔芝加哥〕
Options Clearing House Pty Limited [Sydney] 期權結算所有限公司〔悉尼〕
Options Clearing Rules 《期權結算規(guī)則》
options market 期權市場
options market maker 期權“莊家”
options pricing model 期權定價模式
options trading 期權交易
options trading member 期權交易會員
Options Trading Rules 《期權交易規(guī)則》
order 訂單;命令;買賣盤
order cheque 記名支票;抬頭支票
order for payment of money 付款指令票據(jù)
order for purchase 訂購書
order for redirection 轉寄令
order for sale 售賣令
order of discharge 破產(chǎn)解除令
order of foreclosure absolute 絕對止贖令
order of mail transfer 信匯委托書
order to pay admitted debt 償付承認債項令
order-based system 以買賣盤為基礎的制度
ordinary annual contribution 經(jīng)常性每年捐款
ordinary course of business 通常業(yè)務運作
ordinary creditor 普通債權人
ordinary share 普通股
ordinary share capital 普通股股本
organization expenses 開辦費
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] 經(jīng)濟合作及發(fā)展組織〔經(jīng)合組織〕
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC] 石油出口國組織
Orient First Capital Limited 建銀財務(香港)有限公司
original estimates 原來預算
original executor 原遺囑執(zhí)行人
original issue price 原本發(fā)行價
original margin 原始保證金;基本按金
original mortgagee 原承按人
original mortgagor 原按揭人
original receipt 收據(jù)正本;收條正本
original securities 原有的證券
ORIX Asia Limited 歐力士(亞洲)有限公司
ornament gold 飾金
Osaka Securities Exchange 大阪證券交易所
Oslo Stock Exchange 奧斯陸證券交易所
O.T.B. Card Co. Ltd. 海外信用卡有限公司
ounce troy 金衡安士
outflow of capital 資本外流;資金外流
outflow of fund 資金外流
outflow of money 資金外流
outgoing partner 退出的合伙人
outgoings 支出
outgoings and expenses 支出及開支
outlay 費用;開支;支出
outlying business district 市區(qū)外商業(yè)區(qū)
out-of-hours trading 在正式交易時間以外的交易
out-of-pocket expenses 實付費用;付現(xiàn)費用
out-of-the-money option 無價期權;價外期權
outport collection 外埠代收款項
output 產(chǎn)出;產(chǎn)值;產(chǎn)量
outside dealing 場外買賣;場外交易
outstanding 未償還;尚未支付
outstanding account 未清帳項;未清帳目
outstanding allocation 應撥未撥的款項
outstanding amount 未償還的數(shù)額
outstanding balance 未清帳款;未清余額
outstanding bill 未償付票據(jù);未兌現(xiàn)票據(jù)
outstanding borrowing 未清償債項
outstanding claim portfolio 未決申索組合
outstanding commitment 尚未支付的承擔額
outstanding derivatives contract 尚未平倉的衍生工具合約
outstanding loan 尚未清還的貸款
outstanding negotiable certificate of deposit 未兌現(xiàn)的可轉讓存款證
outstanding tax 欠稅
outstanding uncapitalized interest 尚未支付且未化作本金的利息
outturn 結算;結算數(shù)字
outward documentary bill 出口跟單匯票
outward remittance 匯出匯款
over and above inflation 減除通脹因素
overall average internal rate of return 平均總體內(nèi)部回報率
overall Consumer Price Index 總體消費物價指數(shù)
overall domestic export 本地產(chǎn)品出口總額
overall growth rate 整體增長率;總增長率
overall investment 總投資額;總體投資
overall liquidity ratio 總體流動資金比率
overall price relative 全面相對價格
overall surplus 總盈余
overall tally 全面總計
overbuying 超買;買空
over-commitment 超額承擔
overdraft 透支
overdraft by banks abroad 海外銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft by banks in foreign countries 外國銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft by local banks 本港銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft by outport banks 外埠銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft of an account 戶口透支
overdraft on banks 向銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft on banks abroad 向海外銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft on banks in foreign countries 向外國銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft on local banks 向本港銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft on outport banks 向外埠銀行同業(yè)透支
overdraft secured 抵押透支
overdue 逾期
overdue loan 過期貸款
over-employed economy 過度活躍的經(jīng)濟
overhang 剩余承擔;未完成的承擔額;過剩額
overhead 間接費用;間接成本
overhead cost 間接成本
overheated economy 過熱的經(jīng)濟
overheated market 過熱的市場
overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate 香港銀行同業(yè)隔夜拆息率
overnight liquidity assistance 隔夜流動資金貸款
overnight margin 隔夜保證金;隔夜按金
overnight money 隔夜拆借資金;隔夜錢
overnight position 隔夜頭寸
overnight rate 隔夜利率
overpaid amount 多繳數(shù)額
overpayment of contribution 多繳供款
overrun 超支
overrun cost 超額費用
Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. 華僑銀行有限公司
overseas bank 海外銀行
overseas banking corporation 海外銀行法團
overseas branch 海外分行
Overseas Companies Section [Companies Registry] 海外公司注冊組〔公司注冊處〕
overseas currency balance 海外貨幣結余
overseas financial institution 海外財務機構
overseas interest 海外利息
overseas investment 海外投資
overseas market 海外市場
overseas representative office 海外代表辦事處
Overseas Trust Bank Ltd. 海外信托銀行有限公司
Overseas Union Bank Ltd. 華聯(lián)銀行
overselling 超賣;賣空
oversight of markets 監(jiān)察市場
over-spending 超額支出;超支
overtax 超額征稅;征稅過重
over-the-counter derivative 場外交易衍生工具
over-the-counter market 場外交易市場
over-the-counter trading 場外交易;柜臺交易
over-the-counter transaction 場外交易;柜臺交易
overtrading 過量交易
owner-occupier allowance 自住業(yè)主津貼
ownership 所有權;擁有權
ownership in common 分權共有權

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